8 results

51 Publication Ethics Part 2: Copyright
Ryung-Ah Lee
KMSID: 1147305   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):51-54.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.51
55 Clinical Utilities of Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Pumps in Pediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
Jieun Lee, Jae Hyun Kim
KMSID: 1147307   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):55-62.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.55
63 Clinical Characteristics, Treatment Delivery, and Cisplatin Eligibility in Korean Patients Initially Diagnosed with Urothelial Carcinoma
Kwonoh Park, Jong Kil Nam, Bon Jin Koo, Hyun Jung Lee, Tae Un Kim, Hwaseong Ryu, Yun Jeong Hong, Seungsoo Lee, Dong Hoon Lee, Sung Woo Park
KMSID: 1147306   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):63-69.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.63
70 Workplace Violence and Gender Equality: Country Level Data in European Countries and Korea
Yeogyeong Yoon, Kyunghee Jung-Choi
KMSID: 1147309   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):70-79.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.70
80 More Effective Way to Perform Complete Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Patients in Kummell’s Disease: A Case Report
Seung Hee Yoo, Ji Seon Chae, Minjin Lee, Bo Kyung Kang, Hahck Soo Park, Won-Joong Kim
KMSID: 1147308   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):80-83.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.80
84 Omphalomesenteric Fistula Presenting with Meconium Discharge from the Umbilicus
Yun-Hee Lee, Ka Hyun Lee, Ji-Won Han, Su Jin Cho
KMSID: 1147310   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):84-88.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.84
89 Use of Olive Oil for the Treatment of a Phytobezoar: A Case Report
Hyun Hwa Choi, Yongil Kim
KMSID: 1147311   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):89-92.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.89
93 Differentiating between Intestinal Tuberculosis and Crohn’s Disease May Be Complicated by Multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Seung Wook Hong, Sang Hyoung Park, Byong Duk Ye, Suk-Kyun Yang
KMSID: 1147312   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(3):93-96.   Published online 2021 July 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.93
Articles from The Ewha Medical Journal are provided here courtesy of Ewha Womans University School of Medicine