6 results

1 The Head Measurements in Living Koreans (In Relation to Age, Weight and Stature) (Part One)
KMSID: 1093705   J Severance Union Med Coll. 1934;2(1):1-16.   Published online 2015 June 12    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3349/JSeveranceMed.1934.2.1.1
17 The Effect of Hormones on the Sedimentation Velocity of Red Blood Cells after Blockade of the Reticulo-endothelial System.
KMSID: 1093711   J Severance Union Med Coll. 1934;2(1):17-39.   Published online 2015 June 18    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3349/JSeveranceMed.1934.2.1.17
40 Untersuchung Über Die Koreanischen DiÄten: III. Mitteilung
S. Lee
KMSID: 1093712   J Severance Union Med Coll. 1934;2(1):40-43.   Published online 2015 June 18    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3349/JSeveranceMed.1934.2.1.40
44 Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Its Complications and Treatment
S. H. Martin, S. H. Pak
KMSID: 1093713   J Severance Union Med Coll. 1934;2(1):44-49.   Published online 2015 June 18    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3349/JSeveranceMed.1934.2.1.44
50 Pignet's Factor as a Measure of Physique in Korean Students with Special Reference to Chosen Christian College
Roy K. Smith
KMSID: 1093714   J Severance Union Med Coll. 1934;2(1):50-56.   Published online 2015 June 12    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3349/JSeveranceMed.1934.2.1.50
57 Morbidity Classified According to Age, Sex and Month: at Severance Hospital during 1933
KMSID: 1093715   J Severance Union Med Coll. 1934;2(1):57-62.   Published online 2015 June 18    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3349/JSeveranceMed.1934.2.1.57
Articles from Journal of Severance Union Medical College are provided here courtesy of Severance Union Medical College