4 results  1 of 1 

1 Different perspectives for monitoring nociception during general anesthesia
Pablo Martinez-Vazquez, Erik Weber Jensen
Korean J Anesthesiol.2022;75(2):112-123.   Published online 2022 February 17     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4097/kja.22002
2 Evaluating the Differential Electrophysiological Effects of the Focal Vibrator on the Tendon and Muscle Belly in Healthy People
Gangpyo Lee, Yung Cho, Jaewon Beom, Changmook Chun, Choong Hyun Kim, Byung-Mo Oh
Ann Rehabil Med.2014;38(4):494-505.   Published online 2014 August 28     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2014.38.4.494
3 Spasticity and Electrophysiologic Changes after Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Gastrocnemius
Min Kyun Sohn, Kang Hee Cho, Young-Jae Kim, Seon Lyul Hwang
Ann Rehabil Med.2011;35(5):599-604.   Published online 2011 October 31     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2011.35.5.599
4 Pyridoxine induced neuropathy by subcutaneous administration in dogs
Jin-Young Chung, Jung-Hoon Choi, Cheol-Yong Hwang, Hwa-Young Youn
J Vet Sci.2008;9(2):127-131.   Published online 2008 June 30     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2008.9.2.127

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