4 results

1 Laboratory Diagnosis of COVID-19 in Korea
Kyunghoon Lee
KMSID: 1146358   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(1):1-10.   Published online 2021 January 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.1.1
11 New Molecular Targeted Therapy of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Jungmin Jo
KMSID: 1146360   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(1):11-18.   Published online 2021 January 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.1.11
19 Correlation between Systolic Blood Pressure and Triglyceride Level in the Uzbekistan Population
Bu Yong Kim, Na Yun Bang, Da In Baik, Koo Young Jung, Junbeom Park
KMSID: 1146357   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(1):19-25.   Published online 2021 January 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.1.19
26 Acute Vulvar Ulcer (Lipschutz Ulcer) in a Sexually Inactive 11-Yearold Girl
Kyoung Won Cho, Shin Hye Kim, Ji Hyen Lee
KMSID: 1146359   Ewha Med J. 2021;44(1):26-29.   Published online 2021 January 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.1.26
Articles from The Ewha Medical Journal are provided here courtesy of Ewha Womans University School of Medicine