Student-centered learning is often referred to as how students determine their learning goals and learning approaches with explicit guidance, as opposed to teacher-centered learning where teachers take control over learning goals, content, and progress. Seven items could be further converged into learning goals (no. 76, 72, 62), the teaching approach (no. 73, 66), and the peer-learning process (no. 75, 61). Student-centered learning is generally based on students’ autonomy to learn, combined with clear intended learning outcomes, supportive teaching approaches and cooperative peer learning [
7]. These associations are also demonstrated in the higher correlations between the “student-centered,” “self-directed,” and “problem solving” factors (
Table 2). In clinical education, students as well as practicing doctors are required to keep learning and updating their skills and knowledge, despite time-consuming clinical duties. Therefore, medical educators have advocated that learners should take responsibility for their own learning, and thus, over the past 2 decades, medical education reforms have shifted towards student-centered approaches [
8]. Students are more self-motivated when the difficulties they encounter are recognized and supported by clinical teachers, and students’ stress is reduced throughout this process. Hence, medical students increasingly engage in more clinical learning, and these items could explain how they learn from peers, produce self-determined learning goals, and provide supportive and timely feedback.
Visual technology refers to the utilization of equipment to facilitate enhanced visual perception and learning experiences. Taking the visualization of the anatomical structure as an example, students may develop better understanding of anatomical and physiological interactions, enjoy the learning process more, and learn better if the learning is presented as a visual medium [
9]. Out of 5 items loading on the visual technology factor, 3 items related to how technology enhances visual perception (no. 1, 36, 59), and 2 related to the activity (no. 2, 9). To illustrate how visual technology affects clinical learning, virtual reality, for example, provides students with opportunities to practice their skills and safely bridge the gap from knowledge to bedside practice [
10]. In such environments, students are allowed to learn from errors without profound negative consequences and receive self-visual feedback through digital records in relevant computer-based simulations. Furthermore, clinical students will benefit from visual technology if it requires them to identify anatomical landmarks and structures, or interpret clinical images and laboratory data. In conclusion, the use of visual technologies helps students safely practice their knowledge and skills, and the interactive interface can enhance their spatial concepts of anatomy and physiological interactions, for example, enabling them to also practice decision-making, clinical skills, and reasoning.
Problem-solving learning focuses on students identifying, prioritizing, and solving problems with appropriate guidance and support from teachers. Three items loaded onto this factor, that is, problem identification, prioritization, and solution. In clinical settings, students practice analytical skills, such as blood test interpretation, and clinical reasoning through problem-solving learning. Although some criticism points towards the difficulty of integrating problem-solving learning in clinical settings, it is feasible to adopt this form of learning into daily tasks, such as dealing with certain disease manifestations [
11]. Therefore, problem-solving learning may train students to efficiently identify problems and challenges in clinical practices and then divide the problems into manageable components; and with the aid of clinical reasoning, these approaches gradually facilitate students to learn and practice independently.
The traits of self-directed learning can be divided into task-oriented learning, student-teacher communication, and self-reflection. Three items loaded on self-directed learning and represent these 3 traits (no. 49 for task-oriented learning, no. 46 for student-teacher communication, and no. 48 for self-reflection). In clinical settings, students often learn by performing new tasks when they meet new problems. Therefore, this learn-from-tasks model is adapted to task-based learning, a component of problem-solving learning [
12]. In addition, self-directed learning can be performed by a small group of students wishing to achieve certain goals or complete assessments, tasks and projects, and students in the same clinical attachment can learn independently whilst peer-teaching and cooperating; and this approach may result in them developing greater confidence as well as psychomotor and cognitive skills [
13]. Moreover, it is important for clinical students to rethink what they have learnt and recognize what they still do not know, and how to improve and fill in knowledge and skills gaps. This process of reflection is referred to as using meta-cognitive skills and is often used in clinical reasoning. For example, Gibbs’ model of self-reflection explains how students make action plans based on reflecting upon past experiences, and students gradually improve their interviewing skills via this approach [
14]. In conclusion, self-directed learning is closely related to problem-solving learning, small group learning and meta-cognitive strategies. However, the usefulness of these traits relies on how actively students initiate their learning. Students must take responsibility to set and meet their own goals and undertake frequent self-reflection. Therefore, these items reflect how students direct their learning and monitor their own progress; hence, they fit the term “self-directed learning” well.
STRICT’s main strengths are: (1) it is based on observation more than judgement which is preferable, particularly when used by non-experts; (2) it focuses on domains that are found most relevant for the quality of teaching [
2]. STRICT’s main weakness is having only 3 items in 2 domains. Although acceptable, further research should aim to improve the STRICT tool by adding more items.