Journal List > J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci > v.39(2) > 1516083373

Kim: Erratum: Replantation of autotransplanted mature third molar in anterior open bite patient: case report
Erratum to: J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2023;39:52-60 (
The article 'Replantation of autotransplanted mature third molar in anterior open bite patient: case report' authored by Hee-Jin Kim, published in March issue [Vol. 39, No. 1] of the Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science (2023), has an erratum.
The author's identity was omitted in the Korean abstract.
It should be corrected as '김희진* 조교수'.
The Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science apologizes to the readers for this error.
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