In archaeological excavation sites in Korea, human skeletal remains of various periods were discovered. However, there have been very few studies on skeletal cases of Goryeo period so far. Therefore, in order to obtain the genetic profiles of Goryeo period Korean people at that time, we tried to reveal haplogroups by mtDNA analysis of four skeletons from Goryeo period graves. In this study, the haplogroup identified from them were D4b2b, D4e1a1, D4 and N9a1'3, respectively. This study is invaluable because it is one of the rare reports of genetic information of Korean people of Goryeo Dynsaty.
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Fig. 1.
The skeletal remains of the Koryeo period discovered in Youngwol, Gangwon-do. (A) Skeletal Remain No. 1, (B) Skeletal Remain No. 3, (C) Skeletal Remain No. 7, and (D) Skeletal Remain No. 9.
Fig. 2.
A brief example of the genetic analysis procedure. (A) PCR result, (B) Conformation of electropherogram result, (C) Determination of consensus sequence by aligning nucleotide sequences.
Fig. 3.
Comparison of mtDNA Sequences between rCRS and HVR sequences obtained from skeletal remains.
Table 1.
PCR primer set used in this study
Table 2.
mtDNA Haplotype and haplogroup