Journal List > J Korean Diabetes > v.19(3) > 1101811

Lee: Nutrition Management of Patients with Diabetic Gastroparesis


Gastroparesis is one of complications in diabetic patients which need different management with diabetic patients without complication. Diabetic gastroparesis is a chronic disease and has clinical symptoms such as early satiety, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Patients with diabetic gastroparesis have a high risk of malnutrition, which may result in poor quality of life. Therefore, in patients with have a gastrointestinal disorder, such as delayed gastric emptying in the early stages of malnutrition, we should consider diagnosis and management for diabetic gastroparesis. This review focused on diagnosis, symptoms and proper nutritional management of patients with diabetic gastroparesis. To reduce gastrointestinal disorders, patients with diabetic gastroparesis provide information on the type of food, the number of meals, the intake of fats, the intake of dietary fiber, and the intake of vitamin minerals.


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