9 results

135 Preventive Effect of an SGLT2 Inhibitor on Cardiovascular Disease in an Observational Study: Results from a Korean Population
Kyoung Hwa Ha, Dae Jung Kim
KMSID: 1101804   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):135-139.   Published online 2018 September 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.135
140 Pharmacological Intervention for the Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus
Han-nah Joung, Hyuk-Sang Kwon
KMSID: 1101805   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):140-146.   Published online 2018 September 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.140
147 Clinical Importance of Diabetic Neuropathy
Tae Sun Park
KMSID: 1101806   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):147-152.   Published online 2018 January 10    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.147
153 Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Seong-Su Moon
KMSID: 1101807   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):153-159.   Published online 2018 September 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.153
160 Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy
Chong Hwa Kim
KMSID: 1101808   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):160-167.   Published online 2018 January 10    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.160
168 Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic Foot
Chang Won Lee
KMSID: 1101809   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):168-174.   Published online 2018 September 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.168
175 Management of Type 1 Diabetes in Adolescents
Yeong Sun Kim
KMSID: 1101810   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):175-179.   Published online 2018 September 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.175
180 Nutrition Management of Patients with Diabetic Gastroparesis
Yeon Kyung Lee
KMSID: 1101811   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):180-185.   Published online 2018 January 10    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.180
186 Improving Diabetes Self-Mangement and Mental Health through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Sung-Chul Lim
KMSID: 1101812   J Korean Diabetes. 2018;19(3):186-191.   Published online 2018 September 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2018.19.3.186
Articles from The Journal of Korean Diabetes are provided here courtesy of Korean Diabetes Association