Journal List > J Nutr Health > v.48(5) > 1081415

Sim, Bak, Lee, Jun, Choi, Kwon, Kim, Ruff, Brandt, and Kim: Effects of natural eggshell membrane (NEM) on monosodium iodoacetate-induced arthritisin rats∗


To the Editor, There was an error in our published article titled “Effects of natural eggshell membrane (NEM) on monosodium iodoacetate-induced arthritis in rats” Journal of Nutrition and Health (J Nutr Health) 2015; 48(4): 364 ~ 370.
We made a mistake in presenting abstract & figure correction. The correct abstract & figure correction should be as follows.
We would like to revise the published Abstract sentence [In addition, the NEM group showed a decrease in the cartilage of patella, synovial membrane, and transformation of fibrous tissue.] to [In addition, the NEM group showed a reduced deformation of the cartilage, synovial membrane and fibrous tissue.].

The published Fig. 10A and B are identical with Fig. 10 A and B on page 315 of above article. It was a mistake that occurred during editing process of figures by the publishing company. We have attached a corrected version of the Fig 10A and B.
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