Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.44(6) > 1061324

Shin, Koh, and Chung: Weaning Following a 30 Minutes Spontaneous Breathing Trial


BACKGROUND: Weaning is the process of switching a patient from mechanical ventilator to spontaneous breathing. A number of different weaning techniques can be employed. At recent study, conventional spontaneous breathing trial was superior to other techniques, such as intermittent mandatory ventilation(IMV) or pressure support ventiation(PSV). But adequate observation time of the spontaneous breathing trial was not determined. We reported the effectiveness of weaning and extubation following a 60 minutes spontaneous breathing trial with simple oxygen supply through the endotrachial tube. In this study, we tried to shorten the spontaneous breathing time from 60 minutes to 30 minutes. If weaning success was predicted after 30 minutes spontaneous breathing, extubation was done without reconnection with ventilator. METHODES: Subjects consisted of 42 mechanically ventilated patients from August 1994 to July 1995. The weaning trial was done when the patients recovered sufficiently from respiratory failure that originally required ventilatory assistance, the patients became alert and showed stable vital sign, and arterial O2 tension was adequated(PaO2>55 mmHg) with less than 40% of inspired oxygen fraction. We conducted a careful physical examination when the patients was breathing spontaneously through the endobronchial tube for 30 minutes. We terminated the trial if a patients was any of following signs of distress; cyanosis, diaphoresis, tachypnea(above 30 breaths per minute), and extreme tachycardia. Patients who had none of this features during spontaneous breathing for 30 minutes were extubated promptly. RESULT: 17 weaning trials of 15 patients were done in 42 mechanically ventilated patients. Successful weaning and extubation was possible in 14 trials of total 17 trials. In this 14 patients, 8 patients were extubated after 30 minutes spontaneous breathing, 3 patients were extubated after 60 minutes spontaneous breathing, and 3 patients needed over 3 hours for extubation from weaning. We found similar overall success rate compared with weaning following a 60 minutes spontaneous breathing trial. CONCLUISON: From the result of present study, we believe that weaning and extubation from mechanical ventilation following a 30 minutes spontaneous breathing with 02 supply through the endotracheal tube is a simple and effective method

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