27 results

1209 Diagnosis and Clinical Course of Tuberculosis
Soon Kew Park
KMSID: 1061311   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1209-1217.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1209
1218 Bronchiolar Pathology
Sang Ho Cho
KMSID: 1061312   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1218-1224.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1218
1225 Clinical Investigation of Cervical Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
Mi Ran Park, Chang Sun Kim, Jee Young Seo, Hyung Dae Son, Nam Soo Rheu, Dong Il Cho
KMSID: 1061313   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1225-1233.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1225
1234 Analysis of Causes for Primary Treatment Failure of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Seung Kyu Park, In Hwan Choi, Cheon Tae Kim, Sun Dae Song
KMSID: 1061314   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1234-1244.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1234
1245 Rapid Detection of Rifampicin Resistant M. tuberculosis by PCR-SSCP of rpoB Gene in Clinical Specimens
Tae Sun Shim, Young Whan Kim, Chae Man Lim, Sang Do Lee, Youn Suck Koh, Woo Sung Kim, Dong Soon Kim, Won Dong Kim
KMSID: 1061316   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1245-1255.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1245
1256 sICAM-1, sE-selectin, sVCAM-1 Concentration in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Sang Mi Oh, Jae Ho Jang, Sang In Choi, Heung Bum Lee, Yong Chul Lee, Yang Keun Rhee
KMSID: 1061317   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1256-1262.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1256
1263 Diagnostic Efficacy of FDG-PET in Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Woo Jin Kim, Jae Joon Yim, Chul Gyu Yoo, Young Whan Kim, Young Soo Shim, Sung Koo Han
KMSID: 1061318   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1263-1270.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1263
1271 The TNF Receptor Expressions in Cancer Cells Transfected with TNF-alpha cDNA Using Retroviral Vector
Hyuk Pyo Lee, Chul Gyu Yoo, Young Whan Kim, Young Soo Shim, Sung Koo Han
KMSID: 1061319   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1271-1284.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1271
1285 Expression of EGFR in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and its Effects on Survival
Hak Ryul Kim, Eun Taik Jeong
KMSID: 1061320   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1285-1295.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1285
1296 Clinical Efficacy of Erdosteine in Patients with Acute or Chronic Bronchitis: A Randomized, Double Blind, Comparative Study vs. Ambroxol
Seok Chan Kim, Sang Hoak Lee, So Hyang Song, Young Kyoon Kim, Hwa Sik Moon, Jeong Sup Song, Sung Hak Park
KMSID: 1061321   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1296-1307.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1296
1308 Clinical Characteristics of Pulmonary Aspergilloma
Tae Kyung Kang, Chang Ho Kim, Jae Yong Park, Tae Hoon Jung, Jun Ho Lee, Seong Beom Han, Young Jun Jeon, Jeong Ho Sohn, Ki Beom Kim, Jin Hong Chung, Kwan Ho Lee, Hyun Woo Lee, Hyeon Soo Shin, Sang Chae Lee, Sam Kweon
KMSID: 1061322   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1308-1317.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1308
1318 The Usefulness of Pressure-regulated Volume Control(PRVC) Mode in Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Unstable Respiratory Mechanics
Jang Won Sohn, Youn Suck Koh, Chae Man Lim, Jong Deog Lee, Tae Sun Shim, Sang Do Lee, Woo Sung Kim, Dong Soon Kim, Won Dong Kim
KMSID: 1061323   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1318-1325.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1318
1326 Weaning Following a 30 Minutes Spontaneous Breathing Trial
Jin Shin, Young Min Koh, Yeon Tae Chung
KMSID: 1061324   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1326-1331.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1326
1332 The Effect of Vitamin E on the Composition of inflammatory Cells in Alveoli after Paraquat Intoxication in Rats
Kwang Seon Song, Won Yeon Lee, Do Yeun Cho, Suk Joong Yong, Kye Chul Shin
KMSID: 1061325   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1332-1342.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1332
1343 The Effect of Heat Shock Response on the Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha-induced Acute Lung Injury in Rats
Youn Suck Koh, Chae Man Lim, Mi Jung Kim, Won Kyung Cho, Byung O Jeoung, Kyu Young Song, Tae Sun Shim, Sang Do Lee, Woo Sung Kim, Dong Soon Kim, Won Dong Kim
KMSID: 1061326   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1343-1352.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1343
1353 The Role of MnSOD in the Mechanisms of Acquired Resistance to TNF
Hyuk Pyo Lee, Chul Gyu Yoo, Young Whan Kim, Sung Koo Han, Young Soo Shim
KMSID: 1061327   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1353-1365.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1353
1366 Clinical Efficacy of Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Hwa Sik Moon, Young Mee Choi, Young Hak Park, Young Kyoon Kim, Kwan Hyoung Kim, Jeong Sup Song, Sung Hak Park
KMSID: 1061329   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1366-1381.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1366
1382 A Case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Kye Young Lee, Yun Seup Kim, Young Koo Jee, Hyun Ju Bai, Sung Cheul Yun, Keun Youl Kim
KMSID: 1061330   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1382-1389.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1382
1390 A Case of Pulmonary Intravascular Lymphomatosis
Sang Jong Park, Sang Su Bae, Eun Mi Cheon, O Jung Kwon, Chong H Rhee, Yong Chol Han, Jin Guk Kim, Kyung Soo Lee, Young Hye Ko
KMSID: 1061331   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1390-1395.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1390
1396 A Case of Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma Involving the Lung and Liver
Seung Keun Lee, Seung Hyuk Choi, Dong Gyoo Yang, Jae Min Park, Seong Kyoo Kim, Won Young Lee, Dong Hwan Shin
KMSID: 1061332   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1396-1402.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1396
1403 A Case of Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy Resolved After Resection of Lung Cancer
Ki Soo Park, Jae Yong Park, Yeon Jae Kim, Tae Kyung Kang, Chang Ho Kim, Sam Kweon, Tae Hoon Jung
KMSID: 1061333   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1403-1407.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1403
1408 Acute Pulmonary Edema Caused by Inhalation of Nitrogen Dioxide
Sung Kyoung Doh, Hong Bae Jeong, Young Min Koh, Yoon Bo Yoon, Yeon Tae Chung
KMSID: 1061334   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1408-1413.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1408
1414 A Case of Bronchitis and Bronchial Dysplasia Associated with Typhoid Fever
Jun Ho Seok, Ki Beom Kim, Jin Hong Chung, Kwan Ho Lee, Hyun Woo Lee
KMSID: 1061335   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1414-1418.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1414
1419 A Case of Recurred Primary Mediastinal Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor Associated with Klinefelters Syndrome
Won Jong Jin, Kyu Suck Shin, Tae Hyun Park, Jung Hwan Suh, Gwi Lae Lee, Yong Ho Roh, Jeong Rye Kim, Sug Hyung Lee
KMSID: 1061336   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1419-1425.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1419
1426 A Case of Sjogrens Syndrome with Multiple Bullae Secondary to Pulmonary Amyloidosis and Lymphocytic Infiltration of Interstitium and Bronchioles
Dong Il Kim, Yun Jeong Lim, Yung Ha Oh, Hyung Soo Kim, Jin Sung Lee, Dong Soon Kim
KMSID: 1061337   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1426-1432.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1426
1433 A Case of Bronchial Foreign Body Removal During Trans-Laryngeal Mask Airway Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
Ji Won Suhr, Jong Yul Kim, Kyu Ho Park, Jun Goo Kang, Jin Choi
KMSID: 1061338   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1433-1439.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1433
1440 Pulmonary Involvement of T-cell type Lymphoma with Rapid, Bilateral Infiltration and High Fever Simulating Pueumonia
Tae Sun Shim, Chae Man Lim, Sang Do Lee, Youn Suck Koh, Woo Sung Kim, Dong Soon Kim, Won Dong Kim
KMSID: 1061339   Tuberc Respir Dis. 1997;44(6):1440-1446.   Published online 2016 March 14    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1997.44.6.1440
Articles from Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases are provided here courtesy of The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases