Figures and Tables
Table 1
1)NC, normal control group; HFD, high fat diet group; 0.25LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group; 0.5LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group
2)Mineral mixture (per kg): calcium carbonate anhydrous, 357 g; potassium phosphate monobasic, 196 g; potassium citrate tripotassium monohydrate, 70.78 g; sodium chloride, 74 g: magnesium oxide, 24 g; ferric citrate, 6.06 g; zinc carbonate, 1.65 g; sodium meta-silicate, 1.45 g; manganous carbonate, 0.63 g; cupric carbonate, 0.30 g; chromium potassium sulfate, 0.275 g; boric acid, 81.5 mg; sodium fluoride, 63.5 mg; nickel carbonate, 31.8 mg; lithium chloride, 17.4 mg; sodium selenate anhydrous, 10.25 mg; potassium iodate, 10.0 mg; ammonium paramolybdate, 6.66 mg; powdered sucrose, 221.026 g
3)Vitamin mixture (per kg): nicotinic acid, 3.0 g; calcium pantothenate, 1.6 g; pyridoxine HCl 0.7 g; thiamine HCl, 0.6 g; riboflavin, 0.6 g; folic acid, 0.2 g; biotin, 0.02 g; vitamin B12, 2.5 g; vitamin E 15.0 g; vitamin A, 0.8 g; vitamin D3, 0.25 g; vitamin K-1, 0.075 g; powdered sucrose, 974.655 g
Table 2
1)NC, normal control group; HFD, high fat diet group; 0.25LA, high fat diet plus0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group; 0.5LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group
2)Values represent means ± SE (n = 10).
3)NS, not significant
4)Values with different letters within a column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05)
5)FER (Food efficiency ratio) = body weight gain for experimental period/food intake for the experimental period
Table 3
1)NC, normal control group; HFD, high fat diet group; 0.25LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group; 0.5LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group
2)Values represent means ± SE (n = 10).
3)Values with different letters within a column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05)
4)NS, not significant
Table 4
1)NC, normal control group; HFD, high fat diet group; 0.25LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group; 0.5LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group
2)Values represent means ± SE (n = 10).
3)Values with different letters within a column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05)
Table 5
1)NC, normal control group; HFD, high fat diet group; 0.25LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group; 0.5LA, high fat diet plus 0.5% α-lipoic acid supplementation group
2)Values represent means ± SE (n = 10).
3)Values with different letters within a column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05)
4)LDL cholesterol = total cholesterol-HDL cholesterol - (triglycerides/5)
5)HTR = HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio
6)Atherosclerotic Index (AI) = (total cholesterol - HDL cholesterol)/HDL cholesterol
Table 6
1)NC, normal control group; HFD, high fat diet group; 0.25LA, high fat diet plus 0.25% α-lipoic acid supplementation group; 0.5LA, high fat diet plus 0.5% α-lipoic acid supplementation group
2)Values represent means ± SD (n = 10).
3)Values with different letters within a column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05)
4)NS, not significant