Journal List > Korean J Nutr > v.42(4) > 1043766

Han: A Study on the Effect of Adult Female's Personality Type on Health Control Behavior and Obesity Stress


The study was performed for investigation with 257 female adults to find out the factors affecting health control behavior and obesity stress by personality type. First of all, BMIs of the respondents showed 30 low weight (11.7%), 170 normal weight (66.1%), 33 overweight (12.8%) and 24 obese respondents (9.4%). Comparing with low weight or normal weight, overweight or obesity could be seen as strong with diet control behaviors, from which obesity stress showed the tendency to be high accordingly. Second, the result of the investigation showed that for the open personality, which was featured as strongly desired to accomplish, very sincere and sensitive, they were more eager to control through health or diet. Third, the result of the investigation showed that for the more nervous, which is featured as emotionally unstable, bad at self control of impetus and clumsy to handle stress, the obesity stress was escalating.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
NEO-PI-R factor system

Data. Ahn CG. Use of NEO humanity test. Pusan University. 1997

Table 2
Demographical characteristics of respondents

BMI (Body Mass Index): weight (kg)/height (m)2

-18.5: underweight, 18.6-22.9: Normal, 23.0-24.9: Overweight, 25.0-: Obesity

Table 3
Health care behavior and obesity stress difference by demographical characteristics

*: p < .05, **: p < .01 Duncan: a < b < c

Table 4
Correlation between each variable

*: p < .05, **: p < .01

Table 5
Effect of adult woman's personality on health care behavior

*: p < .05, **: p < .01

Table 6
Effect of adult woman's personality on obesity stress

*: p < .05, **: p < .01


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