Journal List > Korean J Community Nutr > v.21(6) > 1038567

Park and Chung: A Comparison of Sources of Sodium and Potassium Intake by Gender, Age and Regions in Koreans: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2010-2012



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the main sources of dietary sodium and potassium intake in Koreans by gender, age and regions.


We used the data from 2010-2012 KNHANES. A total of 20,387 subjects aged 8 years and older were included. Intakes were compared by gender, age (8-18, 19-49 and >50 years) and geographical regions in Korea. Dishes were classified into 28 dish groups based on cooking methods. Statistical analysis was performed by using the SAS 9.3 and SUDAAN 11.0.1 software.


The mean sodium intake of Koreans was 4866.5 ± 35.9 mg/day, which was 2.4 times higher than the adequate intake (AI) of sodium for Koreans. We found that daily sodium intakes were significantly different by age, gender and regions. Men and aged over 50 years had significantly higher sodium intake than women and other age groups. The mean potassium intake in Koreans was 3002.2 ± 19.4 mg/day and daily potassium intakes were significantly different by age, gender and regions. Women and age 50 years and over had significantly higher potassium intakes than men and other age groups. The average Na/K ratio was 2.89 ± 0.01 and was highest in men and in the age group of 19-49 years. The major sources of dietary sodium were soup and stew, followed by Kimchi, noodles and dumpling, pickled vegetables and seasonings, which represented 63.1 % of total sodium intakes. Soup and stew or Kimchi were the primary sources of dietary sodium intake. The major sources of dietary potassium were cooked rice, followed by soup and stew, Kimchi, fruits and beverages.


Sodium and potassium intakes and the major sources of those were significantly different by gender, age groups and regions. Therefore, different approaches based on gender, age and regions are needed to decrease sodium intake and increase potassium intake.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Percentage of subjects with sodium and potassium intakes in accordance with Dietary Guideline for Korean by gender, age, and regions


1) GI: Goal Intake for sodium for Korea (≤2000 mg)

2) AI: Adequate Intake for potassium for Korea (8-18 year: ≥3000 mg, >19 year: ≥3500 mg)

3) OR: Optimal NA/K ratio by WHO (Na/K <1)

4) N (%): number of people (percent)

Table 2

Comparison of intakes of sodium, and potassium intakes and Na/K ratio by gender, age and region


1) Adjusted for age and energy intake.

2) Least Square Mean±Standard Error

3) Adjusted for gender and energy intake.

4) Adjusted for gender, age and energy intake.

Table 3

The proportion of sodium and potassium intake by dish groups

Table 4

Comparison of sodium intake rate of each dish group by gender


1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)

Table 5

Comparison of sodium intake rate of each dish group by age


1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)

Table 6

Comparison of sodium intake rate of each dish group by regions


1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)

Table 7

Comparison of potassium intake rate of each dish group by gender


1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)

Table 8

Comparison of potassium intake rate of each dish group by age groups


1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)

Table 9

Comparison of potassium intake rate of each dish group by regions


1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)


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Sang-Jin Chung

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