Journal List > J Korean Soc Spine Surg > v.13(4) > 1035743

Min: Disability Evaluation in Spinal Fracture


1). Cocchiarella L, Andersson GBJ. Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. 5th ed.AMA Press;2000.
2). Korean Orthopaedic Association. 장해 판정 기준 -정형외과학 분야-. 1st ed.Seoul Medical Book Company;2005.
3). Lee KS. 배상과 보상의 의학적 판단 -신경계 장애 중심-. 4th ed.Joongang Cultural Book Company;2001.
4). Lim KS. 새로운 신체장해평가법. 3rd ed.Joongang Cultural Book Company;1999.
5). McBride ED. Disability Evaluation and Principles of Treatment of Compensable Injuries. 6th ed.Philadelphia: Lippincott Co.;1963.

Table 1.
Disability rate due to Spinal Column Injury by McBride's Method
Vertebral Body Lamina Spinous or Transverse Process
75% normal 17~40 (27) 12~37 (23) 11~31 (18)
Cervical 50% normal 26~49 (36) 19~42 (29) 16~39 (26)
25% normal 47~70 (57) 33~56 (43) 24~47 (35)
75% normal 17~40 (27) 08~27 (14) 12~37 (23)
Thoracic 50% normal 26~49 (36) 16~39 (26) 17~40 (27)
25% normal 45~68 (55) 32~55 (42) 24~47 (36)
75% normal 20~45 (32) 16~39 (26) 16~39 (26)
Thoraco-Lumbar 50% normal 35~57 (45) 23~46 (34) 21~44 (31)
25% normal 63~86 (73) 43~67 (53) 30~53 (41)
75% normal 19~42 (29) 17~40 (27) 14~37 (24)
Lumbar 50% normal 35~57 (45) 24~47 (35) 19~42 (29)
25% normal 63~86 (73) 40~63 (50) 30~53 (40)
Table 2.
Disability rate due to spinal cord injury by McBride's Method Ataxia, Locomotor, Paraplegic
A Slight, periodic attack 10~26
B Moderate, constant 30~46
C Severe in all movement 70~84
D Extreme; uncertainty in all movement, paraplegia of leg 100
Table 3.
Criteria for Rating Impairment due to spine injury by DRE method
I no fracture
II <25% compression of vertebral body
post. element fx without dislocation, spinous or transverse process fx with displacement
III 25~50% compression
post. element fx with displacement disrupting spinal canal
IV >50% compression without residual neurologic compromise
V >50% compression with unilateral neurologic compromise
Table 4.
Impairment Rate due to Spinal Column Injury by DRE method (Diagnosis-based evaluation)
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
I 0 0 0
II 5~8 5~8 5~8
III 15~18 15~18 10~13
IV 25~28 20~23 20~23
V 35~38 25~28 25~28
Table 5.
Impairment Rate due to Spinal Column Injury by ROM method
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
A Compression of one vertebral body
0~25% 04 2 5
26~50% 06 3 7
>50% 10 5 12
B Fracture of post. Element (pedicle, lamina, articular process, transverse process) 04 2 5
C Reduced dislocation of one vertebra 05 3 6
Table 6.
Impairment Rate due to Operated Spinal Column Injury by DRE method
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
A Single-level decompression without spinal fusion and without residual signs or symptoms 07 4 08
B Single-level decompression without spinal fusion with residual signs or symptoms 09 5 10
C Single-level spinal fusion with or without decompression without residual signs or symptoms 08 4 09
D Single-level spinal fusion with or without decompression with residual signs or symptom 10 5 12
E Multiple levels, operated on, with residual, medically documented pain and rigidity Add 1% per level
1. Second operation Add 2%
2. Third or subsequent operation Add 1% per operation
Table 7.
Criteria for Rating Spinal cord impairment
1 1 upper extremity impairment 1~60%
2 2 upper extremity impairment 1~80%
3 Station and Gait impairment 1~60%
4 Bladder impairment 1~60%
5 Anorectal impairment 1~50%
6 Sexual impairment 1~20%
7 Respiration impairment 5~90%

The impairment is estimated according to the effects on the ability to perform activities of daily living and results of neurologic examination and testing

Table 8.
Disability Rate due to Spinal Column Injury without Neurologic Injury (KOA*)
A. Operated Fracture
1. Cervical, Thoracic 25
2. Thoracolumbar (T10-L1), Lumbar 30
B. Non-Operated Fracture remaining pain and limitation of motion
1. Compression of Vertebral Body <25%
a. Cervical, Thoracic 08
b. Thoracolumbar, Lumbar 10
2. Compression of Vertebral Body 25-50%
a. Cervical, Thoracic 10
b. Thoracolumbar, Lumbar 15
3. Compression of Vertebral Body >50%
a. Cervical, Thoracic 15
b. Thoracolumbar, Lumbar 20

* :Korean Orthopaedic Association

Table 9.
Fracture of Spinous Process or Transverse Process
A Residual Pain and Limitation of Motion 8
B Non-Union 8
C Multiple Fractures 3 or more 10
Table 10.
Disability Rate due to Spinal Fracture and Dislocation (KNSS*)
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
A. Compression of Vertebral Body
a. 0~25% 1~8 01~80 1~8
b. 26~49% 09~18 09~18 09~18
c. >50% 19~28 19~23 19~28
B. Fracture except Vertebral Body
a. Disrupting spinal canal (-) 01~80 01~80 1~8
b. Disrupting spinal canal (+) 09~18 09~13 09~18
C. Reduced Dislocation 07~13 07~10 07~10

Add 3% per Level in Multiple Fracture Accompanying Root Injury 5~15* : Korean Neurosurgery Society

Table 11.
Disability Rate in Case Remaining Instability, Deformity or Performing Spinal Fusion
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
A. Evident Spinal Instability 10~13 15~28 15~28
B. Performing Spinal Fusion
a. 1 or 2 Level
1. Without Neurologic Deficit 10~23 10~23 15~28
2. With Neurologic Deficit 20~33 20~33 25~38
b. 3 Level or more
1. Without Neurologic Deficit 15~28 15~28 20~33
2. With Neurologic Deficit 25~40 25~40 30~45
C. Deformity
a. Scoliosis 25~39 20~29
b. Scoliosis >40 30~40
c. Kyphosis 30~59 20~29
d. Kyphosis >60도 30~40
Table 12.
Comparison of Various Evaluation Method in Vertebral Body Fracture
Vertebral Body Fracture McBride I-A AMA KOA* KNSS**
Cervical 00~25% 17~40 5~8 04 08 1~8
25~50% 15~18 06 10 09~18
>50% 25~28 10 15 19~28
Thoracic 00~25% 17~40 5~8 02 08 1~8
25~50% 15~18 03 10 09~18
>50% 20~23 05 15 19~23
Thoraco-Lumbar 00~25% 22~45 10
25~50% 15
>50% 20
Lumbar 00~25% 19~42 5~8 05 10 1~8
25~50% 10~13 07 15 09~18
>50% 20~23 12 20 19~28

* :Korean Orthopaedic Association ** :Korean Neurosurgery Society

Table 13.
Comparison of Various Evaluation Method in Vertebral Body Fracture Performing Operation
Fracture Performing Operation McBride I-A AMA (ROM*) KOA** KNSS***
Cervical None 1 Level
RS# (-)
1 Level
RS (+)
25 1-2 Level 3 or more Level
8 10 10~23 15~28
Thoracic None 4 05 25 10~23 15~28
Thoracolumbar None Add 1% per Level Combine with LOM## 30
Lumbar None 9 12 30 15~28 20~33

* :Range of Motion ** :Korean Orthopaedic Association *** :Korean Neurosurgery Society # :Residual Symptom and Sign ## :Limitation of Motion

Table 14.
Comparison of Various Evaluation Method in Other Part of Vertebral Fracture except Vertebral Body
Other Part Fracture McBride I-A AMA KOA* KNSS**
Cervical lamina Process DRE ROM Pain or LOM
Disrupt canal (-) Disrupt canal (+) Reduced Dislocation
12~37 11~31 5~8 4 1~8 9~18 7~13
Thoracic 08~27 12~37 5~8 2 Non-union
1~8 9~13 7~10
Thoraco-Lumbar 16~39 16~39
Lumbar 17~40 14~37 5~8 5 Multiple (3 or more)10 )1~8 9~18 7~10

* :Korean Orthopaedic Association ** :Korean Neurosurgery Society

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