Journal List > Infect Chemother > v.47(3) > 1035365

Yeom, Kwon, Lee, Seo, Cheong, Kwon, Cheong, and The Committee of Adult Immunization, The Korean Society of Infectious Diseases: Erratum: Vaccination guideline for Immigrant in Korea by Korean Society of Infectious Diseases
We found an error in our published article. Author name should be corrected as the following:
Joon-Sup Yeom1*, Ki Tae Kwon2*, Jacob Lee3, Yoo Bin Suh3, Hae Suk Cheong4, Hyun Hee Kwon5, and Hee Jin Cheong6; The Committee of Adult Immunization, The Korean Society of Infectious Diseases
Joon-Sup Yeom1*, Ki Tae Kwon2*, Jacob Lee3, Yu Bin Seo3, Hae Suk Cheong4, Hyun Hee Kwon5, and Hee Jin Cheong6; The Committee of Adult Immunization, The Korean Society of Infectious Diseases
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