We investigated the usefulness of infrequent-restriction-site polymerase chain reaction (IRS-PCR) compared with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) on the molecular epidemiologic analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Materials and Methods
We used fifty clinical isolates of MRSA collected from 10 university hospitals located in Seoul. We performed three procedures on these isolates: PFGE using SmaI, IRS-PCR using XbaI-Hha I or EagI-Hha I, and MLST using seven house-keeping genes. We determined the clusters of molecular types by dendrogram using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and Dice coefficients.
MLST analysis showed that isolates exhibited ST1, ST5, ST72, ST89, and ST239. In PFGE, the isolates clustered into 5 major groups with 80% similarity, which subsequently became classified into 18 subgroups with 95% similarity. In IRS-PCR using EagI-HhaI restriction enzymes, there was little resolution among the patterns of isolates. However, XbaI-HhaI IRS-PCR showed 5 groups with a 90% similarity. These groups were then classified into 9 subgroups with a 95% similarity. There were no significant differences among the isolates from different hospitals.
Figures and Tables
![]() | Figure 2IRS-PCR electrophoretic patterns of MRSA produced by amplification of restricted-ligated XbaI-HhaI fragments. (A) Lane 1 and 10 contained 25-bp ladders; lane 2 through 9 contained clinically isolated strains using adaptor (AH1&AH2, AX1 & AX2, AE1 & AE2) and primer PX-C. (B) Lane 1, 8, and 15 contained 25-bp ladders; lane 2 through 7 and 9 through 14 contained clinically-isolated strains using new adaptor (AH1 & AH2-new, AX1 & AX2-new, AE1 & AE2-new) and primer PX-C. (C) Lane 1 and 10 contained 25-bp ladders; lane 2 through 9 contained clinically-isolated strains using new adaptor (AH1 & AH2-new, AX1 & AX2-new, AE1 & AE2-new) and primer PX-CG. |
![]() | Figure 3Representative products of PFGE. Lane 1, 7, 13, and 20 contained DNA marker (NCTC8325 S. aureus); lane 2 through 6, 8 through 12, and 14 through 19 contained clinically-isolated strains. |
![]() | Figure 4IRS-PCR electrophoretic patterns of MRSA produced by amplification of restricted-ligated XbaI-HhaI DNA using primer PX-CG in MRSA. The lane 1 in each gel contained 25-bp ladders; (A) ST239 isolates. (B) lane 2 to 5 contained ST89 isolates; lanes 6 to 9 contained ST72 isolates. (C) ST1 isolates. (D) ST5 isolates. |
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