3 results  1 of 1 

1 Analysis of the Absorbance Pattern of Postmortem Blood Sample Using Spectrometer
Joo-Young Na, Jong-Tae Park
Korean J Leg Med.2018;42(4):126-140.   Published online 2018 November 30     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7580/kjlm.2018.42.4.126
2 The Effect of Elapsed Time on the Quantity of mRNA in Skin: A Study to Evaluate the Potential Forensic Use of mRNA to Determine the Postmortem Interval
Hye Jong Song, So Young Kang, Jong Min Chae
Korean J Leg Med.2012;36(2):151-158.   Published online 2012 December 10     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7580/KoreanJLegMed.2012.36.2.151
3 DNA-Based Identification of Necrophagous Fly Species Using Abdominal-B (Abd-B) Homeobox Sequence
Hu Guo Piao, Ukhee Chung, Shang Eon Shin, Kwang Soo Ko, Juck-Joon Hwang
Korean J Leg Med.2012;36(1):74-84.   Published online 2012 May 31     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7580/KoreanJLegMed.2012.36.1.74

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