2 results  1 of 1 

1 Effects of a Home-based Exercise Program for Patients with Stomach Cancer Receiving Oral Chemotherapy after Surgery
Jin Yi Choi, Hyun Sook Kang
J Korean Acad Nurs.2012;42(1):95-104.   Published online 2012 February 29     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4040/jkan.2012.42.1.95
2 Prospective Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Home-Based Program of Isometric Strengthening Exercises: 12-Month Follow-up
Jin-Young Park, Hong-Keun Park, Jin-Hyung Choi, Eun-Sun Moon, Byung-Soo Kim, Wan-Seok Kim, Kyung-Soo Oh
Clin Orthop Surg.2010;2(3):173-178.   Published online 2010 August 3     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4055/cios.2010.2.3.173

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