3 results  1 of 1 

1 Unwanted effects due to interactions between dental materials and magnetic resonance imaging: a review of the literature
Sherin Jose Chockattu, Deepak Byathnal Suryakant, Sophia Thakur
Restor Dent Endod.2018;43(4):e39.  Published online 2018 August 30     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5395/rde.2018.43.e39
2 Influence of shape and finishing on the corrosion of palladium-based dental alloys
Ana Milheiro, Joris Muris, Cornelis J. Kleverlaan, Albert J. Feilzer
J Adv Prosthodont.2015;7(1):56-61.   Published online 2015 February 17     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4047/jap.2015.7.1.56
3 Annealing of Co-Cr dental alloy: effects on nanostructure and Rockwell hardness
Simel Ayyıldız, Elif Hilal Soylu, Semra İde, Selim Kılıç, Cumhur Sipahi, Bulent Pişkin, Hasan Suat Gökçe
J Adv Prosthodont.2013;5(4):471-478.   Published online 2013 November 28     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4047/jap.2013.5.4.471

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