2 results  1 of 1 

1 Four Cases of Keloid
Dong Houh
Ann Dermatol.1997;9(1):59-63.   Published online 2016 November 28     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5021/ad.1997.9.1.59
2 Increased EEG Current-Source Density in the High Beta Frequency Band Induced by Levetiracetam Adjunctive Therapy in Refractory Partial Epilepsy
Sung-Pa Park, Oh-Young Kwon
J Clin Neurol.2009;5(4):178-185.   Published online 2009 December 31     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3988/jcn.2009.5.4.178

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