2 results  1 of 1 

1 Establishment and evaluation of a murine αvβ3-integrin-expressing cell line with increased susceptibility to Foot-and-mouth disease virus
Wei Zhang, Kaiqi Lian, Fan Yang, Yang Yang, Zhijian Zhu, Zixiang Zhu, Weijun Cao, Ruoqing Mao, Ye Jin, Jijun He, Jianhong Guo, Xiangtao Liu, Haixue Zheng
J Vet Sci.2015;16(3):265-272.   Published online 2015 September 21     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2015.16.3.265
2 Angiostatin Works as Immune Modulatory Molecules via Inhibition of Neutrophil Activation and Migration
So-Youn Woo
J Bacteriol Virol.2014;44(1):115-119.   Published online 2014 February 9     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4167/jbv.2014.44.1.115

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