Ethical statement
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (IRB approval number: B-2206-763-701), and written informed consent was obtained from the patient’s parents. The patient’ parents provided informed consents for the publication of the present report.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Table 1.
Study | Gender/Cons | Origin | BRAT1 mutation |
Micr |
Hypertonia | Seizure onset | Seizure type | EEG pattern (timing of examination) | Initial MRI (timing of examination) | Age at death | |
At birth | Prog. | ||||||||||
Puffenberger et al. (2012) [1] (family, n=3) | NK | Amish | Homozygous c.638_639 insA, p.(Val214Glyfs* 189) | + | + | + | Soon after birth | Focal jerks of the tongue, face, and arms | Bilateral medium-high voltage spikes over the temporal and central regions, frequent multifocal seizures, background slowing, and no posterior rhythm (NK) | Normal or mild hypoplasia of the frontal lobes (NK) | <4 mo |
Saunders et al. (2012) [18] (n=1) | F/+ | Mexican | Homozygous c.453_454 insATCTT CTC, p.(Leu1 52Il efs *70) | + | NK | + | Soon after birth | NA | Focal epileptiform and sharp wave activity (1 d) | Normal (1 d) | NK |
Saitsu et al. (2014) [4] (family, n=2) | F/– | Japanese | Compound Heterozygous c.176T>C, p.(Leu59Pro); c.962_963del ,p.(Leu321 Profs*81) | – | + | + | 7 d | Generalized tonicclonic and myoclonic seizures of the limbs and face | Generalized tonicclonic and myo clonic seizures of the limbs and face | Progressive cerebral and cerebellar atrophy (4 mo) | 1 yr 9 mo |
F/– | – | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic, clonic, and tonic seizures | Myoclonic, clonic, and tonic sei zures | Mild cerebral, cerebellar atrophy, and delayed myelination (3 mo) | 3 mo | |||
Straussberg et al. (2015) [17] (family, n=2) | F/+ | Arabic | Homozygous c.1173delG, p.(Leu391fs) | NK | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Sharp waves and bilateral spikes predominantly over the right he misphere (NK) | Normal (NK) | 5 mo |
M/+ | – | – | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Bilateral epileptic activity with bilateral discharges (NK) | Normal (NK) | 6 mo | |||
van de Pol et al. (2015) [16] (family, n=3) | M/+ | Moroccan | Homozygous c.638dup, p. (Val214Glyfs*189) | – | – | + | 1 mo | Tonic, clonic | Severely abnormal background pattern with multifocal sharp waves, and frequent multifocal epileptic seizure activity (NK) | Rather small cerebellum and brainstem (7 wk) | 3.5 mo |
F/+ | – | + | + | 1 mo | Eye blinking, myoclonus of the left hand | Continuous abnormal backgro und pattern, multifocal activity (NK) | Normal (2 mo) | 17 mo | |||
M/+ | – | + | + | 1 mo | Tonic, myoclonic | Burstsuppression pattern with long suppressions (10–15 sec), multifocal negative sharp waves (6 wk) | NA | 2 mo | |||
Horn et al. (2016) [15] (n=1) | M/– | German | Compound heterozygous c.638_639insA, p.(Val214 Glyfs*189) c.1134+1G>A | – | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Diffuse slowing, bilateral spikes, and partly a burstsuppression pattern, epilepsia partialis continua (NK) | Normal (NK) | 2 mo |
Smith et al. (2016) [14] (n=1) | M/– | NA | Compound heterozygous c.1857G>A; p.(Trp619*); c.2125_2128delTTTG, p.(Phe709Thrfs*17) | – | + | + | 4 mo | Facial myoclonus, focal dyscongnitive, and secondarily generalized seizures | Bilateral multifocal epileptiform activity with frequent clinical and electrographic seizures (NK) | Normal (2 mo) | 15 mo |
Celik et al. (2017) [13] (n=1) | M/+ | Turkish | Homozygous c.2230_2237 dupAACACTGC, p.(Ser 747Thrfs*36) | – | + | + | NK | Myoclonic seizures of the limbs and face | Background activity of 4–6 Hz theta, bilateral frontotemporal sharp waves, and 8–10 Hz ictal rhythm during clinical seizures (27 d) | Normal (soon after birth) | 10 mo |
Hegde et al. (2017) [12] (n=1) | F/+ | Indian/Muslim | Homozygous c.617T >A, p. (Leu206*) | NK | + | + | 3 d | Clonic seizures, eye blinks, and mouth movements, migrating partial epilepsy of infancy | Clinical and subclinical seizures with migrating variable focus over both hemispheres (56 d) | Mild ventriculomegaly with prominent subarachnoid spaces (7 d) | 4 mo |
Szymanska et al. (2018) [10] (family, n=2) | F/– | NK | Homozygous c.1313_131 4delAG, p.(Gln438fs) | NA | NA | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | NA | Brain atrophy with a pro nounced white matter vol ume loss, thinning of the corpus callosum (5 mo) | 6 mo |
M/– | NK | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonus, clonic and tonic seizures | Generalized and focal sharp and spike waves (NK) | Widened subarachnoid space (2 wk) | 12 mo | |||
Van Ommeren et al. (2018) [3] (n=1) | F/– | Chinese | Homozygous c.1395G>C, p.(Thr465Thr) | NA | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Diffuse encephalopathy, with fre quent ictal activity from multiple cortical areas (1 d) | Small head, small brain, and mild prominence of pericerebral extraaxial space (3 d) | 10 wk |
Colak et al. (2020) [9] (n=1) | M/+ | Turkish | Homozygous c.1499-1G>T | – | + | – | 1 d | Myoclonic | Generalized epileptiform activity, migrating focal epileptiform ac tivity (2 mo) | Atrophic corpus callosum, hypomyelination, cortical laminar necrosis in both occipital and superior parietal lobes, brainstem and cerebellar vermis hy poplasia (NK) | 7.5 mo |
Scheffer et al. (2020) [8] (family no. 4, n=5) | F/– | Fillipino/Irish | Compound heterozygous c.964C>T, p.(Gln322*); c.2284C>T, p.(Gln762*) | + | + | + | 1 d | Focal motor seizures, migrating between hemispheres | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures (NK) | Asymmetric T2 signal in deep posterior parietal white matter bilaterally likely due to white matter oedema (3 d) | 34 d |
F/– | + | + | + | 1 d | Focal clonic seizures migrating between hemispheres | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures (NK) | Mild thinning of corpus callosum (2 d) | 10 mo | |||
F/+ | Pakistani | Homozygous c.1498+1G>A | + | + | + | 1 d | Focal, multifocal motor seizures with clonic features, often epileptic spasms; tonic seizures | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures, epileptic spasms and periodic spasms, hypsarrhythmia (NK) | Very small hemosiderin deposition within lateral ventricles (1 mo) | 4 yr 3 mo | |
M/+ | Caucasian | Homozygous: c.1120G>T, p.(Glu374*) | – | + | + | 4 d | Myoclonic, focal clonic seizures | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, myoclonic seizures; focal clonic seizures migrating between he mispheres (NK) | Small subacute subdural hemorrhage along tento rium with left parietal bone cephalhematoma (17 d) | 2 mo | |
F/– | Chinese | Compound heterozygous c.1359_1361delCCT,p.(Leu454del);c.1395G>C, p.(Thr465Thr) | + | + | + | Soon after birth | Myoclonic, migrating focal clonic seizures | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures (NK) | Small right occipital sub dural hemorrhage (3 d) | 14 mo | |
Li et al. (2022) [7] (n=1) | F/– | Chinese | Homozygous c.233G >C, p.(Arg78Pro) | – | + | + | 1 mo | Myoclonic | Focal sharp wave discharges and spike and slow wave complex in the foreheadtemporal region (NK) | Widened bilateral frontal and temporal subarach noid space (NK) | 7 mo |
Pourahmadi yan et al. (2021) [6] (n=1) | M/NK | Iranian | Homozygous c.2041G> T, p.(E681*) | + | NA | + | Soon after birth | Focal seizure | NA | NA | 6 d |
Present case (n=1) | F/– | Korean | Heterozygous c.1276C>T p.(Gln426*);c.1313_1314 delAG, p.(Gln438Argfs*51) | – | Prog. Micr | + | Soon after birth | Generalized spasticity with hypertonia, refractory focal seizures | Normal (1 d), repetitive medium tohigh voltage sharp wave dis charges from right central region evolving to the right hemisphere (35 d) | Diffusely decreased volu me of the cerebrum with markedly prominent subarachnoid space and operculum widening with normal myelination (1 d) | 4 mo |
Reproduced from Colak et al. [9], with permission from Springer Nature.
Abbreviations: BRAT1, breast cancer 1-associated ataxia telangiectasia mutated activation-1 protein; Cons, consanguinity; Micr, microcephaly; EEG, electroencephalogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NK, not known; NA, not assessed; Prog, progressive.