Journal List > J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci > v.34(3) > 1160030

Park, Seol, Lee, Lee, and Lim: Comparative study on quality of scanned images from varying materials and surface conditions of standardized model for dental scanner evaluation
Erratum to: J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2018;34(2):104-15 (
The article ’Comparative study on quality of scanned images from varying materials and surface conditions of standardized model for dental scanner evaluation’ authored by Ju-Hee Park, Jeong-Hwan Seol, Jun Jae Lee, Seung-Pyo Lee, Young-Jun Lim, published in June issue [Vol 34, No 2] of Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science (2018), has an erratum. The author’s affiliation was mistakenly given as Jun Jae Lee2 (Vol 34, No 2, page 115). It should be corrected as Jun Jae Lee1.
The Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science apologizes to the readers for this error.
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