Materials and Methods
- Cyclophosphamide (CY) (Trade name Endoxan), was purchased from Baxter Oncology GmbH, Halle, Germany, in the form of a vial 200 mg. The drug was dissolved in 10ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution and was given by intraperitoneal (I.P.) injection, at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day (6).
- AstragalusMembranaceus (AM) Extract (Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs), manufactured by NOW FOODS 395 S. Glen Ellyn Rd., Bloomingdale, IL 60108. Made in U.S.A. It is supplied in a capsule form. Each capsule contains 500 mg of dried extract of AM (root). Each capsule was dissolved in 5 ml PBS vehicle and was supplied orally, at a dose of 2.5 g/kg body weight by the use of a special blunt tipped syringe (6).
They were divided into the following groups:
- Group I (GI) Control Group included 6 rats that received a vehicle of PBS solution, in the same pattern and route of administration (oral and/or I.P.) as the corresponding experimental groups and subgroups.
- Group II (GII) included 12 rats which were injected I.P. with CY 50 mg/kg/day (0.5 ml for each rat) for 3 days.
gIIa: 6 rats were sacrificed the following day after receiving the last dose of CY.
gIIb: 6 rats continued for one more week to receive 2.5 g/kg/day AM extract orally (5 ml/day).
- Group III (GIII) included 6 rats which received CY I.P. (50 mg/kg/day) together with 2.5 g/kg/day AM orally for 3 days.
- Group IV (GIV) included 12 rats which all received 2.5 g/kg/day AM orally for one week.
Laboratory Investigations:
- Retro-orbital blood samples were collected by capillary tubes for analysis of Total Leucocytic Count (TLC) and Lymphocytic Count (LC). This was performed in the Clinical Pathology Department, Kasr Al-Ainy Medical Hospital.
- Detection and Counting of haemopoietic stem cells using flowcytometry with CD34 antibody (a commonly used marker for haemopoietic progenitor cells of all lineages) (9). CD34 was measured in the bone marrow samples by flowcytometry in Kasr Al Ainy Hospital, Flowcytometry Unit, Clinical Pathology Department.
Sections were subjected to the following stains:
Morphometric Study
- Mean area % of cellular bone marrow regions occupied by developing haemopoietic cells. The area percent represented the % of the cellular bone marrow regions occupied by developing haemopoietic cells, which were outlined and masked by a binary color to the area of the standard measuring frame. It was measured using an objective lens ×10 i.e. a total magnification ×100.
- Mean area of fat cells in bone marrow sections. From the interactive measurement menu, “measure area” was selected. The cursor of the mouse was used to draw the outline of fat in each field and then the total area of fat for the field was calculated. It was measured at a magnification ×100 in 10 serial fields in each section.
- Mean number of CD20 immunopositive B lymphocytes in the bone marrow.The cursor of the mouse was used to count the number of CD20 +ve cells and the mean value of number of cells for each slide was obtained. It was measured at a magnification ×400, using the interactive measure menu.