Journal List > J Korean Med Sci > v.36(3) > 1146304

Jang, Ahn, Choi, Lee, Kim, Lee, and Choe: Erratum: Correction of Text in the Article “Pediatric Emergency Department Utilization and Coronavirus Disease in Daegu, Korea”
To the Editor:
The authors regret that there were errors in the text. This notice corrects the numbers in the result of the Abstract. We changed the percentages indicating the decrease in the number of patients (adults and children) who visited the emergency department (EDs) during the study period.
Content of correction:
“Fewer patients, particularly children visited the EDs during the study period in 2020 than those in the previous (2018/2019) year period: the number of adult patient decreased by 46.4% and children by 76.9%.”
“Fewer patients, particularly children visited the EDs during the study period in 2020 than those in the previous (2018/2019) year period: the number of adult patient decreased by 26.0% and children by 62.0%.”
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