Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.9(2) > 1143855

Sang: Metastatic Bone Cancer (clinical observation on 63 cases)


Among 1330 cancer patients consulted to and diagnosed in this University Medical School Hospital, from January of 1966 to August of 1972, 63 cases of them were confirmed to have cancers metastatic to bone. Clinical observation done on these 63 cases was as follows.
1. of 63 patients, 55 persons were all over their fourth decade of age and 27(42.8%) were at their fifth. Men were affected as twice as women.
2. Skeletal survey confirmed 94 sites of bone involvement in 63 cases and 77.5% of them were in either trunk or skull and mostly multiple.
3. Most frequent primary source in this series was lung (14 cases) and prostate cancer showed the highest metastatic rate of 57.1%.
4. Radiologically the osteolytic change was predominent in 82.5% of all metastatic foci.
5. First choice of treatment should be aimed for control of pain and walking aid rather than futile trial of radical procedure. Accordingly hormonal treatment, chemotherapy, local irradiation, and rigid fixation for pathological fracture should be applied.


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Fig. 1
Chest film of 58-year-old woman showed a large space-occupying lesion in the right mid-lung field, which was confirmed as a squamous cell ca by a needle biopsy.
Fig. 2
Fig. 1 patient was bed-ridden due to pathologic fracture of the right femur shaft.
Fig. 3
I-M nailing done for the fracture (Fig 2) enabled crutch walking immediately.
Fig. 4
63-year-old man with prostate ca had an extensive osteoblastic metastasis to entire pelvis and lower lumbar spines.
Fig. 5
52-year-old man. with highly undifferentiated adenocarcinoma of stomach sustained pathologic fracture on the right trochanteric region.
Fig. 6
Massive osteolytic changes at the right ilium and sacroiliac joint were due to metastasis of hypernephroma in 23-year-old school teacher.
Table 1
Age and Sex Distribution
sex age male female total(%)
—29 5 1 6(9.5)
30—39 2 2(3.2)
40—49 10 4 14(22.2)
50—59 18 9 27(42.8)
60-69 9 3 12(19.1)
70— 1 1 2(3.2)
total(%) 43(68.3) 20(31.7) 63(100.0)
Table 2
Cancers Metastatic to Bone
male female total(%)
lung 7 7 14(22.2)
stomach 7 1 8(12.7)
breast 6 6(9.5)
kidney 4 1 5(7.8)
prostate 4 4(6.4)
bladder 3 3(4.8)
liver 3 3(4.8)
uterus 2 2(3.2)
others 7 2 9(14.3)
unknown 7 2 9(14.3)
total 42 21 63(100.0)
Table 3
Frequency of Bone Metastasis of Each Primary Cancer.
primary source No. of patients (%)
prostate 4/7 (57.1)
kidney 5/24 (20.9)
lung 14/67 (20.7)
bladder 3/17 (17.6)
breast 6/63 (9.5)
liver 3/170 (1.8)
stomach 8/696 (1.2)
uterus 2/286 (0.7)
total 63/1336
Table 4
Locations of Metastatic Bone Involvement
1. Bones of Trunk and Skull (73)
rib 21
spine 21
pelvis 16
skull 8
scapula 3
others 4
2. Proximal Long Bones (16)
femur 10
humerus 6
3. Acral Metastasis (5)
radius 2
tibia 1
foot 2
Table 5
Clinical Manifestations in 63 cases of Metastatic Bone Cancers.
symptoms and signs No. of patients (%)
pain 55 (87.3)
tenderness 60 (95.2)
swelling 40 (63.5)
motor disturb. 15 (23.8)
fever 15 (23.8)
pathologic fracture 8 (12.7)
solitary metast. 13 (20.6)
Table 6
Laboratory Data of Peripheral Blood.
Blood findings RBC mil/mm WBC mm Hb gm% ESR mm/hr Alk-P B-unit Acid-p S-unit
lung 2.57 10,000 7.5 90 2.8
G-I 3.20 9,200 11.5 82 2.3
liver 3.49 6,050 10.5 84 3.6
kidney 3.00 6,600 95 85 2.0
prostate 2.97 6,200 9.0 80 3.7 3,875
breast 3.15 9,500 10.0 100 3.3
others 4.00 10,200 13.0 89 2.9
total 3.26 8,500 9.5 87 3.1
Table 7
Radiological classification into osteolytic and osteoblastic type of the 63 metastases
type No. of cases (%)
Osteolytic 52 (82.5)
Osteoblastic 8 (12.5)
prostate 4
bladder 1
stomach 2
unknown 1
Mixed type 3 (5.0)
skin 2
lung 1
Table 8
Palliative Treatment applied to the Metastatic Bone Disease.
methods No. of cases
I-M nailing 3
Hormonal therapy 4
Chemotherapy 2
Irradiation 13
Table 9
Life Expectancy*
well-live 4
expired within 6 M 3
within 1 Y 7
lost to trace 6
total 20

* 2-year-fellow-up

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