Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.10(4) > 1143657

Goo, Ahn, and You: Tension Wiring in the Treatment of the Olecranon, Patella and Malleolar Fracture


We have experienced twenty two fractures involving joint, eight olecranon, seven patella, and other seven malleolus respectively.
All these fractures were treated by open reduction and tension band wiring.
The advantages obtained in tension band wiring are as follows;
1. Good apposition and firm internal fixation can be achieved.
2. Tension band is of benefit to fracture healing by firm fixation in cancellous part.
3. Early joint motion and weight bearing reduce the degree of disability and speed up fun- tional restoration.
4. Further remedial treatment such as physical therapy after prolonged plaster immobilization is usually unnecessary.
5. Tension band wiring is recommended the treatment of choice beyond all other methods of internal fixation in above fractures involving intra-articular surface.


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刈䙄 1.
2個㢨 Kirschner wire ⹠ 尺敘㨰 㽃㡻 ⤼ K-wire tightner 䞤 fc8;ô字 wire䚄 㞐㢈䴜.
刈䙄 2.
2個㢨 Kirschner wire 䚄 㢌㥗⪨㨔 “8”字形 Tension Band Wire 䞤 匘㟸䊀䚄 協匠⪨却 㣠㙀⪨匠 㡸䴜.
刈䙄 3.
纁敘內煿敘折㨰 使用⪤ Tension Band Wiring ㇟䖌, 㟼䖌䰼
刈䙄 4.
㵔古匘匘㟸㨰 㽃㡻䯤 Tension Band Wiring
刈䙄 5
㜄䮰匘㟸 例 3㨰㻤 㷨㵔 4㜄⤼ 㜄匀㟸㢨 㥌 䬏㢌 完全⡸ ⥴䌋䯤 㼿⼤䚄 䇴㢌匠 㡸䴜.
刈䙄 6.
牍樤㘙煿敘拆例 3㨰㻤 㷨㷠 5㜄㨰㻤 㞏匀㟸 㥌䬏䠷㢌 㦼㟼⡸ ⥴䌋䯨匠ô䰧⹋㨺㢌 ⦨㇟ ⪨㙀䞤 ㍌㛯䊀⪨䚄 ⪠ 㷨 㡸㢴㢼 䌌㨔㜄匠 㡸䴜(㽃㡻䰼).
刈䙄 7.
20㻈 佘㡰(例 3) 劰⹋㽔匠䞤 㜄䮰匘㟸㢼 䏥㪨㢴. a) 㷨㼿㘿⤼ X-㻠 b) Tension Band 䏱 K-Wire 匠㟫⪤ 㷨㷠㘿⤼ 㽔㘼, 匘㟸㻠㢼 厐㢨 ㏂㪼䌌凐 ⡨䬜䴜 c) 㷨㷠 4㜄 ⤼ 㽔㘼. 㴠㼣吀匘䬏 匘㣠⪗㨰 䌄 㷨 㡸䵬 匘䘷䏨㢯㣀 䌄 㷨 㨺䴜. d) 㷨㷠 6古㤬 ⤼ Tension Band 㟤厐 ⤼ 㽔㘼, 匘㟸䊀 ⧄㟿㣀 ㏂㪼䌌凐 ⡨䬜䴜.
刈䙄 8.
39㻈 佘㡰(例 4) a) ㉬䢃㽔匠䞤 㵔古匘 匘㟸㢼 䌌㨔㜄匠 㡸䴜. b), c) Tension Band 匠㟫㘿⤼ 㽔㘼, 匘㟸㻠㢼 ㏂凐 ⡨䬜䴜. d) 㷨㷠 3古㤬 ⤼ 㽔㘼ô㷨㷠㘿⤼ 㽔㘼匄 䆼劰⪨㨔 Trateculation 㢨 㨐卐 㢌㦈 䴜䚈 䍀⦬䚄 ㏂㪼 䌄 㷨 㨺䴜.
刈䙄 9.
39㻈 佘㡰(例 5) a) 㩯㇟煿匘㟸㢼 䌌㨔㜄匠 㡸䴜. b) 㩯㇟㨰 䕘䮰 tension band 匠㟫 㘿⤼ 㽔㘼. 匘㟸㻠㢼 㟼⨀ ㏂凐 ⡨䬜䴜. c) 㷨㷠 8㜄⤼ 㽔㘼, 匘㟸㻠㣀 䌄 㷨 㨺匠ôtrabeculation 㢨 㨐卐㢼 䌄 㷨 㡸䴜. d) wire 㟤厐 ⤼ 㽔㘼ô匘㟸㢨 ⧄㟿㢼 ㏂㢼 㷨 㨺䴜.
Table 1.
Case Analysis of Olecranon Fracture
Cases Sex Age Site Causes Character Associated Injury
1 S 13Y Lt T. A. Close Humerus Neck Fx.
2 s 17Y Lt T. A. Close Skin abrasion on Elbow
3 s 20 Y Lt T. A. Close Nasal bone Fx.
4 s 29 Y Lt Falling Close Cerebral Contusion
5 s 43 Y Lt Slipping Nonunion’
6 s 47 Y Lt T. A. Close, comminuted Femur Fx.
7 s 60 Y Lt Slipping Close
8 9 33 Y Rt Falling Close, comminuted
Table 2.
Case Analysis of Patella Fracture
Cases Sex Age Site Causes Character Associated Injury
1 δ 20Y Lt Falling Close, Comminuted
2 S 31Y Rt Falling Close, Comminuted
3 δ 35 Y Lt Falling Close Elbow injury
4 S 39 Y Rt Direct blow Close
5 δ 42 Y Lt Falling Close Laceration on Elbow
6 S 44 Y Lt Slipping Close, Comminuted
7 9 52 Y Rt T. Α. Close, Comminuted
Table 3.
Case Analysis of Malleolus Fracture
Cases Sex Age Site Causes Character Associated Injury
12 Ss 21Y 30 Y Rt Rt Ealling T. A. Medial Medial Humerus Neck Fx.∗ Visceral Injury-
3 s 34 Y Rt T. Α. Medial Tibia Fx (Lt)
4 a 36 Y Rt T. Α. Trimalleolar
δ S 39 Y Rt Falling Bimalleolar
6 s 52 Y Lt T. Α. Medial Massive skin abrasion
7 s 54 Y Lt T. Α. Medial
Table 4.
Exercise after op. (Averse) Clinical Union (Average) 、- Follow up Period Wt. bearing time.
Olecranon Fx. 3 days 2 wks 2VnY-3M
Patella Fx. 2 v/ks 4 wks 19/12Y-6M 4 wks
Malleolar Fx. 3\vks 3 wks IV12Y-2M 3 wks
Table 5.
Fracture Complication
Olecranon Fx. Tardy ulnar N. palsy 1 case
Patella Fx. Nonunion 1 case
Malleolar Fx.
Total 2 cases/22 cases
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