Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.10(3) > 1143648

Lee, Yoo, Kim, and Shon: Traumatic False Aneurysm of Ulnar Artery 一 A case report 一


Recently we encountered a 22-year old male patient who had a pulsating mass at the distal part of right forearm which proved to be a traumatic false aneurysm of ulnar artery which was followed by lacerating injury with a sharp piece of glass. This case is presented with a review of the literatures.


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Fig I.
㥐㇟ 㟼㦄 㟼㣼䊀 㘫㇟㨰㻤 2.5Xl.öcm ⾔ 凐㢨 㝻䓄㢼 䌄㷨㡸䴜. 㝻䓄㢼 䲒匠㡸䵬 ⫄ 䊀䵬 䍀㼷 䯨㩌 㡸㨸䴜.
Fig. f .
Urografin㧔 㙀··i”“ brachial angiogram 㹴協. Aneyrysm 㛯㴔䊀(Kelley end䊀㣼) 㨰㻤 ulnar ar tery 吀 ⰰ㸼䯨㩌 㡸䴜. (ᅳ⮤)
Fig I.
Urografin-gæ 㴤-㥗⪤ brachial angiogram (retrograde䞤 dye 㜄㡻) 㹴協. ㍧匘䰧䘛 ⱨ㸼䴘 㨰㻤 䏨㤬㼿㢨 㞐㧿㟤㢴㧿㢼 䌄 㷨 㡸䴜. (ᅳ⮤)
Fig IV.
䰧䘛䚨(ᅳ⮤)䚄 㜄㣼 㞐㘿匄 㦼㟼 䏫䙔 ⪨䵬 䕘㵋. 䰧䘛䚨 佌⪨㇟㨰 ㍧匘 㴠千㢌 䌌㢈䴜.
Fig V.
㟤厐⪤ Aneyrysm匄 刈 刄㣼 䏱 㤰㣼 ⧸ 匀䴘. Kelleci 匠㟫䯤㕃㢌 㤰㣼䴘· 㙷 ㉤ 劔㕃㢼 佨⽀佈䴜.
Fig IV.
㷨㷠䞤 㟤厐⪤ 䰧䘛䚨 ㍧匘 䰧䘛㢨 㟼㉗㢨 ⳴㨌㢼 䌄㷨㡸匠 䰧䘛䚨㢨 inlet䌌䴜 outlet 吀 䲬㥏 㘿千㢌 劋㩌㟈 㡸䴜.
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