Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma (CLM) is a rare soft tissue sarcoma derived from the dermis or subcutaneous portion of the skin. Recently, a young male patient presented with a very rare case of CLM. This patient was 33 years old and a smoker with no specific medical or trauma history. During the clinical examination, a 1.6×0.8×1.7 cm sized, oval shape, hard, fixed, and non-tender mass on the right cheek was noted. He underwent a simple excision at first and pathology reported CLM of grade 1. We performed a muscle depth wide excision again with a 1 cm margin for the superior medial side and a 2 cm margin for the inferior lateral side. Lesion coverage was ensured by a superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator fasciocutaneous free flap after confirming the free margin sections.
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