The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among intention of retention, nursing organizational culture, empowering leadership and organizational socialization of new graduate nurses, and identify factors affecting intent to stay.
Data were collected from 184 new nurses who were graduated in 2017 and are now working in three tertiary hospitals. The relationship among the variables was analyzed with Pearson coefficient correlations and factors affecting intention of retention were identified by using multiple linear regression analysis.
The mean score for intention of retention was 5.23±1.25 (out of 8). Intent to stay had positive relationships with innovation-oriented culture, relation-oriented culture, task-oriented culture, empowerment leadership, organizational socialization. Factors influencing intent to stay were ‘motivation for selection of nursing (β=.19, p<.001)’, ‘organizational commitment (β=.45, p<.001)’, ‘job identity (β=.18, p=.005)’, and ‘interpersonal relationship of personal characteristics (β=.16, p=.005)’ in organizational socialization, and ‘coaching (β=.29, p=.001)’, and ‘showing concerning (β=−.19, p=.036)’ by empowering leadership. These factors explained 53.0% of the variance in intention of retention (F=35.96, p<.001).
Figures and Tables
Table 2
Level of Organizational Culture, Empowering Leadership, Organizational Socialization and Intent to Stay (N=184)

Table 3
Comparison of Nursing Organizational Culture, Empowering Leadership, Organizational Socialization and Intent to Stay by Characteristics of Participants (N=184)

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