Journal List > J Korean Soc Radiol > v.80(2) > 1141888

Kim, Jung, and Choi: Exploiting the Vulnerability of Deep Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence Models in Medical Imaging: Adversarial Attacks


Due to rapid developments in the deep learning model, artificial intelligence (AI) models are expected to enhance clinical diagnostic ability and work efficiency by assisting physicians. Therefore, many hospitals and private companies are competing to develop AI-based automatic diagnostic systems using medical images. In the near future, many deep learning-based automatic diagnostic systems would be used clinically. However, the possibility of adversarial attacks exploiting certain vulnerabilities of the deep learning algorithm is a major obstacle to deploying deep learning-based systems in clinical practice. In this paper, we will examine in detail the kinds of principles and methods of adversarial attacks that can be made to deep learning models dealing with medical images, the problems that can arise, and the preventive measures that can be taken against them.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

An example of adversarial attack. A minimal perturbation added to an original image is able to cause a classifier to misclassify a panda as a gibbon. Adapted from Goodfellow et al. arXiv preprint 2014;arXiv:1412.6572, with permission of IEEE (28).

Fig. 2

Examples of adversarial attack on various deep learning models with “universal adversarial perturbations”. Due to subtle perturbations added to the original images, the networks predicted wrong labels with high confidence. Adapted from Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Piscataway: IEEE 2017:1765-1773, with permission of IEEE (19).

Fig. 3

Examples of quantitative results of an adversarial attack on medical image (36). Each original image (upper) well-classified with high confidence (green = model is correct) for the given diagnosis was misclassified after noise added to its corresponding original image (lower) with high confidence (red = model is incorrect). Adapted from Finlayson et al. arXiv preprint 2018;arXiv:1804.05296, with permission of IEEE (36). DR = diabetic retinopathy

Fig. 4

A schematic representation of the proposed algorithm for identifying vulnerable locations in electronic medical records (40). Medical records generated by adversarial attacks can be used to derive a susceptibility score distribution of the medical records. Adapted from Sun et al. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. New York: ACM 2018:855-868, with permission of ACM (40).

Table 1

Adversarial Attack and Defense Methods

Trait Name Description
 White box FGSM, Goodfellow et al. (28), L-BFGS, Szegedy et al. (18), BIM & ILCM, Kurakin et al. (22), JSMA, Papernot et al. (30), C&W attacks, Carlini et al. (33), DeepFool, Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. (29), Universal Perturbations, Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. (19), NewtonFool, Jang et al. (31)
 Black box One-pixel, Su et al. (54), UPSET & ANGRI, Sarkar et al. (55), Substitute Model Training, Papernot et al. (56)
 Gradient masking Buckman et al. (51), Papernot et al. (20), Zantedeschi et al. (52), Lyu et al. (45), Nguyen et al. (46)
 Adversarial training Szegedy et al. (18), Goodfellow et al. (28), Sun et al. (53)

BIM & ILCM = Basic iterative method and iterative least-likely class method, C&W = Carlini and Wagner, FGSM = Fast Gradient Sign Method, JSMA = Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack, L-BFGS = Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno, UPSET and ANGRI = Universal Perturbations for Steering to Exact Targets and Antagonistic Network for Generating Rogue Images


Conflicts of Interest The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.


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Hwiyoung Kim

Byoung Wook Choi

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