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Journal List > Korean J Health Promot > v.19(4) > 1141853

Chae, Kang, Nam, Hyun, Park, Lee, Lee, and Kim: Relationship among Oral Hygiene Management, Halitosis, Interpersonal Relationships and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Elderly



The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of oral care, perceived halitosis, halitosis, interpersonal relationships and oral health-related quality of life and to examine the relationships among these variables.


The participants were 94 elderly people. The questionnaire included questions on oral care, perceived halitosis, interpersonal relationships, and oral health-related quality of life. Halitosis was measured using odor breath tester.


A total of 63.8% of the elderly did not receive regular oral care. The halitosis score was 1.59, thus indicating moderate halitosis. The current perceived halitosis figure was 1.54, participants responded that they feel slight. There was no significant correlation between halitosis and perceived halitosis. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in halitosis and perceived halitosis according to the oral care. Perceived halitosis was negatively correlated with oral health-related quality of life. Interpersonal relationships were correlated with oral health-related quality of life.


It is necessary to actively promote the need for oral care among the elderly. Moreover, older people need regular oral care to prevent halitosis and improve their oral health-related quality of life.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Characteristics of the participants


Values are presented as number (%).

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Table 2

Oral care, halitosis, perceived halitosis, interpersonal relationships, and oral health-related quality of life of the participants


Values are presented as mean±standard deviation (range) or number (%).

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Table 3

Comparisons between halitosis, perceived halitosis, interpersonal relationships and oral health-related quality of life according to oral care (n=94)


Values are presented as mean±standard deviation. Calculated using t-test or analysis of variance and Scheffe test.

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Table 4

Correlations between halitosis, perceived halitosis, interpersonal relationships, and oral health-related quality of life (n=94)


Values are presented as Pearson's correlation coefficient (P-value).

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Young Ran Chae

So Yean Kang

Eun Sook Nam

Hye Jin Hyun

Su Youn Park

Sun Hee Lee

Ju Young Lee

Doo Myung Kim

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