Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.25(5) > 1140350

Kim and Ha: Factors Influencing Ageism in General Hospital Nurses



This study was done to identify the factors involved in ageism in nurses.


The participants in this study were 178 general hospital nurses. Data were collected in March 2019 using self-report questionnaires, and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, and stepwise multiple linear regression.


The total score for ageism was 39.75±5.44 out of a maximum of 72. Ageism had a statistically significant relationship with contact experience (r=-.47, p<.001), attitude (r=.40 p<.001), and aging anxiety (r=.35 p<.001). The determining factors affecting ageism were contact experience (β=-.45, p<.001), attitude(β=.20, p=.002), work place (β=.22, p<.001), marital status (β=.21, p<.001), geriatric nursing preference (β=.18, p=.006), geriatric education (β=.17, p=.006), and aging anxiety (β=.14, p=.041). The explanation power of these variables was 39%.


The results suggest that contact experience with elders had the largest influence on ageism in nurses. Therefore, it is necessary to develop tailored education programs by hospital type to increase positive contact experience and promote understanding of older patients in acute care settings. Furthermore, the importance of the perception of ageism needs to be highlighted in nursing education and continuing education for nurses.


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Table 1.
Differences in Ageism according to General Characteristics of Participants (N=178)
Characteristics Categories n (%) M±SD (Range) Ageism
M±SD t or Z or F (p) Duncan
Gender Women 171 (96.1) 2.21±0.30 0.16 (.873)
Men 7 (3.9) 2.19±0.46
Age (year) 22~30 139 (78.1) 27.59±4.49 2.18±0.31 -2.53 (.011)
31~43 39 (21.9) (22~43) 2.30±0.23
Work experience (year) <2a 46 (25.8) 5.29±4.68 2.13±0.28 7.81 (.020)
2~5b 74 (41.6) (0.92~22) 2.20±0.31 a<c
≥6c 58 (32.6) 2.28±0.30
Work place Warda 112 (62.9) 2.26±0.28 4.12 (.008)
ICUb 35 (19.7) 2.07±0.33 a>b
ERc 21 (11.8) 2.15±0.31
OR/RRd 10 (5.6) 2.16±0.24
Marital status Single 148 (83.1) 2.31±0.17 2.08 (.039)
Married 29 (16.3) 2.19±0.30
Others 1 (0.6) -
Area of residency while growing up Metropolitan city 92 (51.7) 2.23±0.31 0.84 (.436)
Small city 58 (32.6) 2.17±0.28
Countryside 28 (15.7) 2.24±0.33

ER=Emergency room; ICU=Intensive care unit; OR=Operating room; RR=Recovery room;

Mann-Whitney test;

Kruskal-Wallis test.

Table 2.
Differences in Ageism according to Geriatric-related Characteristics of Participants (N=178)
Characteristics Categories n (%) Ageism
M±SD t or F (p) Duncan
Geriatric education Yes 144 (80.9) 2.19±0.30 -2.14 (.034)
No 34 (19.1) 2.31±0.28
Residential experience with elders Yes 85 (47.8) 2.14±0.31 -3.08 (.002)
No 93 (52.2) 2.27±0.29
Residence status with elders Yes 13 (7.3) 2.02±0.32 -2.35 (.020)
No 165 (92.7) 2.22±0.30
Volunteer experience with elders Yes 140 (78.7) 2.21±0.31 0.29 (.773)
No 38 (21.3) 2.20±0.29
Preference for geriatric nursing Yesa 49 (27.5) 2.16±0.31 11.53 (<.001)
Nob 47 (26.4) 2.38±0.27 a, c<b
No matterc 82 (46.1) 2.14±0.28
Table 3.
Descriptive Statistics of Ageism, Contact Experience, Attitude, Aging Anxiety, and Knowledge of Participants (N=178)
Variables M±SD Range Possible range
Ageism 39.75±5.44 26~55 18~72
Contact experience 24.03±6.56 6~40 6~42
Attitude 84.87±11.71 47~140 20~140
Aging anxiety 61.44±8.09 34~80 20~100
Knowledge 11.26±3.17 1~25 0~25
Table 4.
Correlation between Ageism, Contact Experience, Attitude, Aging Anxiety, and Knowledge of Participants (N=178)
Variables Ageism Contact experience Attitude Aging anxiety
r (p) r (p) r (p) r (p)
Contact experience -.47 (<.001)
Attitude .40 (<.001) -.33 (<.001)
Aging anxiety .35 (<.001) -.41 (<.001) .36 (<.001)
Knowledge -.06 (.430) .11 (.161) -.09 (.260) -.19 (.011)
Table 5.
Factors Influencing Ageism in Participants (N=178)
Variables B SE β t p
(Constant) 1.54 0.23
Contact experience -0.07 0.02 -.45 -3.60 <.001
Attitude 0.11 0.03 .20 3.13 .002
Work place (ward) 0.14 0.04 .22 3.75 <.001
Marital status (married) 0.18 0.05 .21 3.57 <.001
Preference for geriatric nursing (no) 0.12 0.04 .18 2.81 .006
Geriatric education (no) 0.13 0.05 .17 2.78 .006
Aging anxiety 0.11 0.05 .14 2.06 .041
R2=.42, A dj. R2=.39, F=17.4 6, p<.001

Adj. R

2 =Adjusted R

2 ; B=Unstandardized estimates; SE=Standardized error; β=Standardized estimates.

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