Violence against socially vulnerable victims such as that associated with child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault has become a considerable problem in Korean society. Government resources have been invested in establishing effective response systems that can minimize the damage by identifying the causes of violence-related incidents, preventing them, and correcting the underlying problems. The starting point for such solutions is to recognize an incidence involving violence. Because victims do not tend to reveal incidents voluntarily, the ability of health care providers to recognize victims of violence is important. In the case of domestic violence, a victim who comes to the hospital while hiding the actual situation may have suffered more serious physical injuries than reported. A screening tool for child abuse has been developed to distinguish survivors of abuse among children who have come to the emergency room due to trauma. In addition, sexual abuse forensic emergency medical kits have been developed since 2002 and have been put into practice. One-stop service centers and ‘Sunflower’ Centers can support violence-related health care more systematically than that provided by other means.
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