Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.1(1) > 1138364

Chang and Lee: A study of duodenal diverticula in Korean


In 2140 cases of roentgenological examination of upper G-I tract during the period from January of 1959 toOctober of 1963 in this department, a study on duoenal diverticula has led to the following conclusions: 1. Theindidence of duodenal diverticulain this study is 3.27%(70 cases), 57.0%(40 cases) in male and 43.0%(30 cases) infemale. 2. Highest incidence was shown in the age group of 41-50 and 51-60. Average age at which duodenaldiverticula is 49.1 which is less than those of Europe and United States. 3. Predilected site of duodenaldiverticula is concave side of second portion of duodenum. 67(89.3%) of diverticula were in second portion 65 onconcave and 2 on convex side. 5 (8.0%) of diverticula were in third portion and 2(2.7%) in first portion. 4. 66cases (94.3%) were in single, 3 cases (4.3%) in twin and 1 case (1.4%) in triple occurrence. 5. Diverticua weredistributed in size from-5mm to 70mm. The largest is 67mm and the smallest is 3mm in diameter. Highest rate, 34.7%is shown in size group of 6-10mm. 6. Inflammation is complicated in 9 cases of diverticula, 12.0%, and 1 case ofthese forms fistula tract. 7. 12 cases (16.0%) of peptic ulcer, 6 cases (800%) of gastric cancer, 4 cases(5.2%) ofgastroptosis and 1 case (1.3%) of gall stone were associated with duodenal diverticula.

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