The enlarged sella was encountered ordinarily as intrasellar lesion such as pituitary tumor or secondaryincreased intracranial pressure without certain mechanism. 1951 Busch discovered from his extensive autopsy casesthat defects or incomplete attachment of diaphragm sella brings sella enlargement either slightly or moderatelyenlarged sella with subarachnoid extension. Toennis et al in 1955 discussed enlarged sella due to via infundibulardefects or loosely attached stalk area of diaphragm sella from secondary increased intracranial pressure. DuBoulay and others differentiate the entity of none tumor origin of sella enlargement either from raisedintracranial pressure or parasella changes. Hence "empty sella" was loosely used terminology. We observed followingthree representative cases in various empty sella syndrome. Case 1; air extended into the sella bypneumoencephalogram. Case 2; chiasma recess herniated into the sella secondary to dilated third ventricle fromright thalamic tumor extension. Case 3: enlarged sella firstly mimic intrasella tumor but found intrasella fluidof cerebro-spinal content of extended subarchnoid space into sella. Above changes readily observed bypneumoencephalogram and other means.