Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.8(4) > 1138308

Kim, Kang, and Bahk: X-ray findings of small bowel taeniasis: a clinical and experimental study


Unlike ascariasis of the small bowel, taeniasis can be detected radiologically with much difficulty because ofthe basic difference between the morphological features of each helminth. However once the characteristics of tapeworms are appreciated and kept in mind, radiological diagnosis is fairly accurately made. In the present study wehave reported typical radiological features of the small bowel taeniasis as observed in 6 adult patients seen atthe Department of Radiology of St. Mary's Hospital and Holy Family Hospital, Catholic Medical College. Taperingtape-like or ribbon-like radiolucent shadows in distal small bowel appear unique. Compression spot film study ofthe ileum is most important in revealing such findings. An animal experiment using the swine small intestine andparasitological specimen of evacuated worm of taenia saginata was designed to help understand radiologicalmanifestations in vivo.

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