Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.14(1) > 1137637

Kim: Studies on the pelvic architectures and measurements in the normal Korean women


Author studied the pelvicephalometric films and the clinical charts for the features and characteristics ofthe materanal pelvis and the fetus in 148 cases of the Korean pregnant women who had a normal dilivery, and whovisited at Busan National University, Busan Maryknoll and Busan saint Benedict Hospitals during about 7 years fromSep. 1970 to June 1977. This study meant to analyse the standard characteristics of the pelvic architectures ofKorean women with a normal delivery and to evaluate the relationship of the pelvic architecture and the fetalhead. The results obtained were summarized as follows. (1) Features of maternal pelvis. 1) The mean value of theages was 26.7 years, 58.1% in 25 years to 29 years of age was most frequent. 2) The mean value of the gestationaltime was 40.7 weeks, and 55.4% in the postmaturity, 28.4% in the normal gestation,and 16.2% in the prematurity. 3)The mean value of the time of labour pain was 24 hours, 11 minutes, and 65% in the 24 hours or less(normal), and35% in the prolonged labour pain. 4) The morphological classification of the pelvic inlet was 44.6% in theGynecoid, 32.4% in the Android, 23.0% in the Anthroppoid and Zero% in the Plantypelloid etc. in order offrequency. 5) The pelvic type classified in according to pelvic index showed 73.0% in index one plus, 18.9% inindex one, and 8.1% in index one minus. 6) All of the cases showed convergency in the pelvic side wall and thedistribution of the angle was 70.3% in the moderated, 14.9% in the slight and in the marked respectively. 7) Thedistribution of sacrosciatic notch showed 70.3% in the average group (31 to 45 degree), 27.0% in the wide group(46degree or over), and 2.7% in the narrow group (30 degree or less). 8) The mean value of pelvic height was9.27+-0.60cm. 9) Features of sacrum; (1) The direction of sacrum was 64.8% in the convergency, 20.2% in theparallel, and 15.0% in the divergency, etc. (2) The number of sacral segments showed 78.4% in the normal 5segments and 21.6% in the abnormal 6 segments. (3) The mean value of curvature index of sacrum was 15.80+-3.93cmand 47.2% in 16 or over group, 27.8% in 14 or less (flat sacrum) and 25.0% in 14 to 16 group (normal). 10) Theprominence of ischial spine showed 41.9% in average, 39.1% in small, and 4.0% in sharp, etc.. 11) The coccyxshowed 52.7% in anterior curved feature, 39.2% in normal, 8.1% in angulated feature anteriorly. 12) The pelvicrami showed 58.1% in curved type, and 41.9% in straight type. 13) Pelvimetric values; (1) Mengert's indices. i)Capacity index of pelvic inlet; M+-delta = 100.16+-9.15% ii) Capacity index of Mid pelvis; M+-delta =91.46+-10.51% (2) Thomas measurement (TR. diameter +Post, Seg. D. of Mid pelvis); M+-delta=14.11+-0.95cm (3)Thomas measurement (A-P.D + TR.D of Outlet) ; M+-delta =16.56+-1.36cm (4) Allen measurement (A-P.D x TR.D x 2/4);i) Capacity value of pelvic inlet; M+-delta= 114.0+-10.41 Sq. cm. ii) Capacity value of Mid, pelvid;M+-delta=90.96+-10.57 (II) Features of fetus. 1) Engagement and moulding of fetus; Engagement showed in67.1%(94 cases of 140 patients ), and moulding in 80.8% of these. 2) Average skull diameter; M+-delta=0.45cm.(III) Relationship between pelvic diameter and fetal head size. 1) Difference of obstetrical diameter and averageskull diameter (O.D.-ASD) ; M+-delta= 0.95+-0.95cm. 2) Caldwell-Moloy measurement (Bi-ischial spinediameter-Biparietal diameter); M+-delta=0.70+-0.72cm.

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