Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.14(1) > 1137636

Ahn, Hong, and Choi: A radiological study of the lumbosacral angle in normal Korean adults


The measurement of the lumbosacral angle were carried out in 288 cases of normal Korean adults. There were 158males and 130 females. This is based on a method of Hellems and Keats. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Inmale, since no significant difference between the 4 groups was present, they were then considered as a singlegroup. The over all mean was 32.52degrees(C), with a standard deviation of 5.65degrees(C). The standard error ofthe mean was 0.45degrees(C). 2. In female, the over all mean was 34.52degrees(C), with a standard deviation of6.50degrees(C). The standard error of the mean was 0.62degrees(C). 3. The difference of the means between male andfemale was about 2degrees(C), and it were very singnificant stastically. 4. 95% confidence interval was32.52+-0.88degrees(C) in male, and 34.52+-1.22degrees(C) in female. 5. By the variance anlaysis for age group, nosignificant difference between the 4 groups in male was present, but there were very significant in female. 6. Theresult of this survey was about 9degrees(C) less than that of Hellems and Keats, and the difference was thought asreflection between Korean and American.

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