Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.19(4) > 1136788

Lee, Choi, Chang, and Chi: A retrospective comparison of CT with histopathologic findings in brain abscesses


This study was undertaken to examine the possibility of predicting the stage of brain abscess presoperatively,which may markedly influence on the decision how to manage the patients suffering from intracerebral abscesses. Atotal of 17 patients with brain abscesses, who were treated with surgery and diagnosed pathologically, wereretrospectively analyzied with particular attention to the correlation of CT and histopathologic findings. Wefound that preoperative CT findings could not provede any possibility on the decision of abscess staging.Therefore, we suggest that the sequential CT scans should be done in patients with susupectd brain abscess forevaluation of abscess staging.

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