A conventional approach for the treatment of long-span edentulous areas is the use of removable dentures. However, placing implants in these areas results in superior functional outcomes by increasing the stability, support, and resistance of the prostheses and improving the masticatory efficiency. Treatment modalities utilizing implants can be further classified into either removable or fixed-type prostheses. Several factors such as the amount of alveolar bone resorption, inter-arch relationship, patient preferences, and socioeconomic status should be considered when determining the appropriate treatment approach. Monolithic zirconia has been considered a suitable material for implant-supported fixed dental prosthesis, because of the drastic improvement in its mechanical properties. It exhibits fewer incidences of fracture and chipping of the prostheses, and has greater bulk of material than metal-ceramic crowns and zirconia-veneered ceramics. Moreover, highly translucent monolithic zirconia is also available in the market, and its application is gradually increasing for anterior tooth rehabilitation. The present report describes a patient who underwent full-mouth rehabilitation with fixed dental prostheses (eight upper and three lower implant placements). All teeth, except bilateral mandibular canines and left mandibular first and second premolars, were extracted after the diagnosis of generalized chronic moderate-to-advanced periodontitis of the remaining teeth. The patient reported satisfactory esthetic and functional outcomes during the one-year follow-up visit. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2019;57:374-81)
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