This study was conducted to identify and define the concept of job-esteem of the hospital nurses.
Data were analyzed using the hybrid model, introduced by Schwartz-Barcott and Kim. Data were obtained from a relevant literature review and also from the in-depth interviews of twelve nurses with clinical experience of more than 3 years.
The concept of job-esteem of the hospital nurses was finally analyzed with 5 attributes and 13 indicators of 3 dimensions. The attributes of the personal dimension were professional self-awareness, professional competence, the attribute of organizational dimension was respect and recognition of the organization, the attributes of social dimension were social trust and respect, driving forces of job retention.
The job-esteem of hospital nurses is defined as beliefs and values used to evaluate or as expectations of self in the job through which hospital nurses van find professional self-awareness and competence, identify respect and recognition of the organization, recognize the driving forces of social trust, respect and job maintenance. This study is meaningful in that the concept of job respect of hospital nurses was analyzed and basic data for the development of a job-esteem scale for hospital nurses was provided.
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