Management of patients with diabetes mellitus should not be restricted to the treatment of hyperglycemia and diabetic complications. An integrated comprehensive approach is needed for successful management, which should include lifestyle changes, risk control, medications, early detection and treatment of complications, assessment of associated comorbidities, and self-management education and support. And these efforts should be made periodically and repeatedly after the first visit. The Korean Diabetes Association introduced the concept of comprehensive management for the first time in 2019 when it revised the Treatment Guidelines for Diabetes. Currently, it's limited mainly to assessment and cannot be applied in Korea as it is. However, the level of diabetes management in Korea will be further improved when understanding and applying the concept of comprehensive management for diabetes in any form.
1. Korean Diabetes Association. Diabetes fact sheet in Korea 2012. Seoul: Korean Diabetes Association;2012.
2. Korean Diabetes Association. Diabetes fact sheet in Korea 2018. Seoul: Korean Diabetes Association;2018.
3. American Diabetes Association. 3. Comprehensive medical evaluation and assessment of comorbidities. Diabetes Care. 2017; 40(Suppl 1):S25–32.
4. Comprehensive Management of diabetic patients. Korean Diabetes Association. 2019 treatment guideline for diabetes. 6th ed.Seoul: SeoulMedcus;2019. p. 112–6.
5. American Diabetes Association. 3. Comprehensive medical evaluation and assessment of comorbidities: standards of medical care in diabetes-2018. Diabetes Care. 2018; 41(Suppl 1):S28–37.
6. Powers AC, Niswender KD, Evans-Molina C. Diabetes mellitus: diagnosis, classification, and pathophysiology. Jameson JL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Loscalzo J, editors. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. 20th ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Education;2018. p. 2850–59.
7. Korean Diabetes Association. 2019 treatment guideline for diabetes. 6th ed.Seoul: SeoulMedcus;2019. Chapter 21, Screening and treatment of diabetic neuropathy and foot management; p.p. 122–8.
8. Korean Diabetes Association. 2019 treatment guideline for diabetes. 6th ed.Seoul: SeoulMedcus;2019. Chapter 16, Dyslipidemia management in diabetic patients; p.p. 94–100.
9. Korean Diabetes Association. 2019 treatment guideline for diabetes. 6th ed.Seoul: SeoulMedcus;2019. Chapter 20, Diabetic nephropathy; p.p. 117–21.
10. Korean Diabetes Association. 2019 treatment guideline for diabetes. 6th ed.Seoul: SeoulMedcus;2019. Chapter 22, Diabetic retinopathy; p.p. 129–32.
11. Korean Diabetes Association. 2019 treatment guideline for diabetes. 6th ed.Seoul: SeoulMedcus;2019. Chapter 6, Monitoring and evaluation of glycemic control; p.p. 38–42.