The purpose of this study was to adapt, modify, and validate the Nursing Anxiety and Self-Confidence with Clinical Decision-Making Scale (NASC-CDM©) for Korean nursing students.
Participants were 183 nursing students with clinical practice experience in two nursing colleges. The construct validity and reliability of the final Korean version of the NASC-CDM© were examined using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and testing of internal consistency reliability. For adaptation and modification, the instrument was translated from English to Korean. Expert review and a cross-sectional survey were used to test the instrument's validity.
The Korean version of the NASC-CDM© (KNASC-CDM) was composed of 23 items divided into four dimensions: (i) Listening fully and using resources to gather information; (ii) Using information to see the big picture; (iii) Knowing and acting; and (iv) Seeking information from clinical instructors. The instrument explained 60.1% of the total variance for self-confidence and 63.1% of the variance for anxiety; Cronbach's α was .93 for self-confidence and .95 for anxiety.
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