Journal List > J Periodontal Implant Sci > v.49(4) > 1130773

Park: Full recognition of voluntary reviewers' exemplary dedication
As an associate editor of the Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science, I would like to acknowledge our voluntary reviewers in this editorial. They are behind-the-scene contributors who dedicate their time and professional resources to the development of our journal without any reimbursement. Of course, I am deeply appreciative of authors for submitting their excellent work to our journal. However, their research gets attention and recognition by being published and cited by researchers from all over the world. Although reviewers' voluntary work is often neglected, the editorial members of every journal sincerely recognize their efforts for the journal and consider them to be among the most valuable assets of the journal. In some cases, publishers provide vouchers to be used when reviewers submit their own papers to the journal. Our journal, the Journal of Implant & Periodontal Science, so far has not provided any certificates or vouchers to reviewers. We are now trying to acknowledge their exemplary dedication, possibly by providing certificates or publishing their names at least once a year in the near future. Another way to acknowledge reviewers would be through a website, such as Publons, which has been run by Clarivate Analytics since 2012 and recognizes their reviews and editorial record, along with providing a publication history. If reviewers send their review results to Publons, such as captured image(s) from the Review Assignment (, they will be acknowledged for their review work. I would like to once again express my deep gratitude for the voluntary dedication of the reviewers, and I would like to emphasize that the quality of our journal's content is maintained through their unstinting efforts.

Jun-Beom Park

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