Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.25(3) > 1129539

Kim, Park, and Lee: Effect of a Nursing Practice Environment on Nursing Job Performance and Organizational Commitment: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Job Embeddedness



The purpose of this study was to test the mediating effect of job embeddedness in the relationship between nursing practice environment on nursing job performance and organizational commitment.


For this study a descriptive design with survey method was utilized. Participants were 192 clinical nurses recruited from 2 hospitals in A, B city and J province in Korea. From June, 6 to 24, 2018, a questionnaire scale was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and liner regression analysis.


There were significant positive relationships for nursing job performance and organizational commitment with nursing practice environment. In addition, job embeddedness had a full mediating role in the relationship between nursing practice environment and nursing job performance, and a partial mediation effect in nursing practice environment and organizational commitment.


The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effects of job embeddedness and to find ways to improve organizational commitment, which is a useful variable to predict performance outcomes, nurse job performance and job behavior of organizational members. Also, the study results can be used as basic data for nursing manpower management strategies.


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Figure 1.
Conceptual framework.
Table 1.
Differences in Variance to General Characteristics of Participants (N=192)
Characteristics Categories n (%) Nursing practice environment
Nursing job performance
Organizational commitment
Job Embeddedness
M±SD t or F (p) Scheffé M±SD t or F (p) Scheffé ) M±SD t or F (p) Scheffé M±SD t or F (p) Scheffé
Age (year) 23~29a 30~39b 89 (46.4) 69 (35.9) 2.43±0.31 3.32±0.39 3.16 (.045) 3.60±0.42 3.73±0.32 14.93 (<.001) ) 3.66±0.67 3.81±0.71 15.11 (<.001) 2.91±0.43 3.09±0.37 13.26 (<.001)
≥40c 34 (17.7) 2.47±0.29 4.02±0.40 a, b<c 4.45±0.86 a, b<c 3.31±0.37 a<b<c
Marital status Single 114 (59.4) 2.39±0.56 -0.33 3.64±0.43 -3.42 3.69±0.71 -3.30 3.95±0.43 -3.58
Married 78 (40.6) 3.40±0.32 (.741) 3.94±0.35 (.001) 4.09±0.80 (<.001) 3.17±0.38 (<.001)
Religion No 107 (55.7) 2.41±0.31 0.53 3.68±0.46 -1.47 3.74±0.76 -2.24 3.00±0.41 -1.59
Yes 85 (44.3) 2.38±0.38 (.601) 3.77±0.33 (.143) 3.99±0.76 (.026) 3.10±0.44 (.113)
Educational background Collegea Universityb 39 (20.3) 144 (75.0) 2.37±0.39 2.40±0.33 0.15 (.864) 3.75±0.47 3.69±0.38 3.01 (.052) 3.77±0.68 3.83±0.76 5.10 (.007) 2.94±0.44 3.04±0.40 8.12 (<.001)
≥Graduate schoolc 9 (4.7) 2.40±0.39 4.03±0.43 4.63±0.93 a, b<c 3.55±0.35 a, b<c
Position Staff nurse 179 (93.2) 2.38±0.34 -2.15 3.69±0.41 -3.39 3.77±0.70 -6.18 3.00±0.40 -5.28
≥Charge nurse 13 (6.8) 2.59±0.22 (.033) 4.08±0.24 (.001) 5.02±0.82 (<.001) 3.61±0.29 (<.001)
Nursing unit Medicala Surgicalb Special unitsc OPD & other unitsd 36 (18.8) 64 (33.3) 62 (32.3) 30 (15.6) 2.25±0.37 2.45±0.32 2.45±0.31 2.33±0.37 3.76 (.012) a<b 3.63±0.43 3.70±0.41 3.76±0.39 3.77±0.42 0.98 (.405) 3.55±0.69 3.88±0.79 3.96±0.71 3.95±0.88 2.48 (.062) 2.90±0.35 3.07±0.46 3.11±0.44 3.01±0.38 2.11 (.100)
Clinical career 1~<5a 72 (37.5) 2.46±0.29 2.89 3.56±0.43 11.26 3.66±0.70 11.22 2.90±0.44 11.67
(year) 5~<10b 52 (24.5) 2.31±0.34 (.058) 3.73±0.31 (<.001) ) 3.65±0.67 (<.001) 3.00±0.40 (<.001)
≥10c 65 (38.0) 2.38±0.38 3.87±0.39 a<c 4.17±0.79 a, b<c 3.22±0.37 a, b<c
Career in 1~<5a 75 (39.0) 2.45±0.30 2.77 3.57±0.42 11.04 3.66±0.72 8.60 2.90±0.44 11.36
current 5~<10b 52 (27.1) 2.31±0.37 (.065) 3.74±0.33 (<.001) ) 3.75±0.70 (<.001) 3.03±0.39 (<.001)
hospital (year) ≥10c 65 (33.9) 2.40±0.34 3.88±0.39 a<c 4.16±0.80 a, b<c 3.22±0.37 a, b<c
Career in current unit 1~<3a 3~<5b 93 (48.4) 56 (29.2) 2.41±0.36 2.36±0.34 0.38 (.684) 3.68±0.41 3.73±0.44 1.06 (.349) 3.89±0.82 3.73±0.77 1.05 (.353) 3.04±0.41 2.95±0.48 3.30 (.039)
(year) ≥5c 43 (22.4) 2.39±0.31 3.79±0.37 3.93±0.66 3.14±0.43 b<c
Work shift 3-shift 155 (80.7) 2.39±0.34 -0.20 3.68±0.40 -2.82 3.73±0.66 -4.02 3.99±0.41 -3.30
Day shift 37 (19.3) 2.40±0.34 (.839) 3.89±0.41 (.005) 4.39±0.95 (<.001) 3.25±0.43 (.001)
Monthly salary 200~249a 78 (40.6) 2.41±0.32 1.44 3.61±0.42 7.99 3.66±0.73 9.34 2.91±0.47 11.32
(10,000 won) 250~299b 60 (31.3) 2.33±0.39 (.233) 3.71±0.35 (<.001) ) 3.76±0.65 (<.001) 3.00±0.35 (<.001)
300~349c 35 (18.2) 2.39±0.32 3.78±0.39 a, b, c<d d 4.04±0.61 a<c, d 3.19±0.26 a, b<c, d
≥350d 19 (9.9) 2.51±0.27 4.09±0.34 4.58±1.04 b<d 3.44±0.39
Turnover No 156 (80.7) 2.41±0.33 1.51 3.71±0.42 -0.94 3.85±0.75 -0.17 3.05±0.43 0.41
Yes 37 (19.3) 2.32±0.40 (.132) 3.78±0.35 (.348) 3.87±0.88 (.864) 3.02±0.39 (.685)
Table 2.
Descriptive Statistics for Variables (N=192)
Variables M±SD Possible range Skewness Kurtosis
Nursing practice environment 2.39±0.30 1~4 0.68 0.63
Nursing job performance 3.72±0.41 1~5 0.52 1.89
Organizational commitment 3.85±0.77 1~7 0.03 1.15
Job embeddedness 3.04±0.43 1~5 0.12 0.15
Table 3.
Correlation Relationships among Variables (N=192)
Variables Nursing practice environment
Nursing job performance
Organizational commitment
r (p) r (p) r (p)
Nursing job performance .35 (<.001)
Organizational commitment .50 (<.001) .41 (<.001)
Job embeddedness .54 (<.001) .54 (<.001) .69 (<.001)
Table 4.
Mediating Effect of Job Embeddedeness in the Relationship to Nursing Practice Environment, Job Performance, and Organizational Commitment (N=192)
Variables B β t p Adj. R2 F p
1. PE → JE 0.68 .54 8.90 <.001 .29 79.16 <.001
2. PE → JP 0.41 .35 5.09 <.001 .16 25.87 <.001
3. PE, JE → JP .29 39.02 <.001
1) PE → JP 0.09 .08 1.07 .284
2) JE → JP 0.48 .49 6.78 <.001
Sobel test (Z=5.40, p<.001)
1. PE → JE 0.68 .54 8.90 <.001 .29 79.16 <.001
2. PE → OC 1.12 .50 7.90 <.001 .24 62.42 <.001
3. PE, JE → OC .49 92.60 <.001
1) PE → OC 0.40 .14 2.86 .005
2) JE → OC 1.07 .11 9.63 <.001
Sobel test (Z=6.55, p<.001)

PE=Practice environment; JE=Job embeddedeness; JP=Job performance; OC=Organizational commitment.

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