Journal List > Lab Med Online > v.9(2) > 1128320

Park, Lee, Chun, and Min: Essential Elements for Establishing Clinical Next-generation Sequencing Testing


Over the past decade, next-generation sequencing (NGS) has evolved at an astonishing pace and has revolutionized clinical medicine as well as genomics research. The rapid advancements in NGS technologies have been accompanied by accumulating evidence of the analytical and clinical validity, and clinical utility of NGS. NGS is used worldwide. This review provides medical technicians and laboratory physicians with the essential elements for establishing clinical NGS testing. Here the authors briefly describe the advantages and drawbacks of currently available NGS platforms, potential sources of error in NGS workflow, and reference materials.


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Fig. 1.
Overall workflow of next-generation sequencing.
Table 1.
Summary of major next-generation sequencing
Manufacturer Amplification Chemistry Detection Error profile URL
Illumina Clonal (bridge amplification) SBS (CRT) Optical <1%, Substitution error
ThermoFisher (Ion Torrent) Clonal (emulsion PCR) SBS (SNA) Non-optical 1%, Indels at homopolymers home/brands/ion-torrent.html
Pacific Bioscience Single molecule SBS (Real-time) Optical 13% single pass, <1% circular consensus read, Indels
Oxford Nanopore Single molecule Nanopore Nanopore ∼12%, Indels
QIAGEN (GeneReader) Clonal (emulsion PCR) SBS Optical Similar to other SBS system

Abbreviations: PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SBS, sequencing by synthesis; CRT, cyclic reversible termination; SNA, single nucleotide addition; SBL, sequencing by ligation; indel, insertion/deletion. Manufacturer's data is directed to the URL.

Table 2.
Potential sources of error and quality control
  Error sources Quality control and optimization
Sample preparation ∙ User errors (mislabeling) ∙ Specimen rejection criteria according to sample types
  ∙ Low yield of nucleic acid ∙ OD 260/280, OD 230/280
  ∙ Nucleic acid contamination (microorganism, xenograft) ∙ DNA/RNA integrity number
  ∙ Low tumor cell fraction (heterogeneity) ∙ DNA integrity (gel image)
  ∙ Nucleic acid degradation (FFPE) ∙ Tumor cell fraction (depending on depth of coverage)
Library construction ∙ User errors (carry-over, contamination) ∙ Size and concentration of fragmented DNA
  ∙ Adapter dimers ∙ Size distribution of library
  ∙ Index swab ∙ Library quantification and normalization
  ∙ Low library complexity, PCR duplication ∙ Size selection
  ∙ Capture bias (GC contents, repeating elements, pseudogenes, etc.) ∙ Length and match of index and barcode
  ∙ Primer dimer, amplification errors, allele dropout ∙ Primer/probe: tiling design or rebalancing
  ∙ Flow cell overloading/underloading ∙ Cluster density
Sequencing ∙ Decline in signal intensity ∙ Base call quality scores (Q-score)
  ∙ Incorrect base incorporation ∙ Per base GC content
  ∙ Sequence context (GC contents, homologous gene, homopolymers) ∙ Sequence length distribution
  ∙ Platform-specific error ∙ Duplicate sequence
    ∙ Per base N contents
    ∙ Ti/Tv ratio
Bioinformatic analyses ∙ Low depth of coverage ∙ On-target coverage
  ∙ Uneven of coverage ∙ Mapping rate
  ∙ Misalignment ∙ Mapping quality
  ∙ Strand bias ∙ Confirmation with orthogonal methods
  ∙ Low concordances among different bioinformatics tools ∙ False positive and false negative rates
    ∙ Quality trimming
    ∙ Duplicate removal
    ∙ Local realignment
    ∙ Base quality score recalibration
    ∙ Variant quality score recalibration

Some errors are often connected between precedent steps and subsequent steps;

Considering the inherent differences among NGS platforms, wet experiments, and bioinformatics pipelines, threshold or cutoff of quality metrics cannot be specifically defined. Abbreviations: FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; OD, optical density; Ti/Tv, transition/transversion.

Table 3.
Comparison of target enrichment methods
  Advantage Disadvantage
Amplification ∙ Faster than hybridization ∙ High cost
  ∙ Lower input DNA required ∙ Low throughput
    ∙ Limited to a small number of targets
    ∙ SNPs may interfere with primer binding (allele dropout)
    ∙ Primer dimers
    ∙ Non-specific amplification products
    ∙ PCR amplification errors
    ∙ Low library complexity
Hybridization ∙ More even coverage ∙ Higher input DNA requirements
  ∙ Good reproducibility ∙ Regions with high GC or AT content: not captured optimally
  ∙ Ability to detect some structural variants (fusion) ∙ Repetitive DNA elements: overrepresented
  ∙ Large sections of DNA and large numbers of genes. ∙ Off-target capture
  ∙ Accurate determination of depth of coverage and allele frequency by removal of PCR duplication  

Characteristics are compared to each other.

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