Prevalence rate of dysmenorrhea was 91.6%.
The total mean score for menstrual symptoms was 1.89 of a possible total of 5 and mean score for each category was, 2.26 for water retention, 2.11 for negative affect, 2.02 for pain, 1.83 behavioral change, 1.69 for autonomic reactions, and 1.53 for concentration.
According to the result of this study, statistical differences were found for age (F=3.76, p=0.01), menstrual fear (t=2.02, p=0.04), dysmenorrhea (t=7.73, p=0.02), and taking medication (t=5.95, p=0.00).
The coping mode with the highest scores were rest and go to bed (83.7%), regard mensturation as a physiological and temporary phenomenon (68.3%), take a warm shower (66.8%). The most frequently used methods to relief of symptoms were take pain killers (99.9%), to apply hot water bag on painful parts of the body (96.6%) and rest and go to bed (88.8%).